Student Leadership Day

We recently hosted a transformative Student Leadership Development Day for our incoming school captain team of 2024, setting the stage for a year of impactful leadership. Facilitated by leadership expert, Kerrin Smith, the day focused on essential skills crucial for effective leadership. From honing public speaking abilities to fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills, our future leaders engaged in a comprehensive program designed to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.  


Kerrin's insights, combined with the invaluable experiences shared by our current 2023 team members, provided a holistic perspective on leadership, emphasising the importance of effective communication, trust-building, and the initiation of student lead positive change within our school community. 


The reflections from the participants underscore the significance of the day. They expressed gratitude for gaining a broader perspective on leadership, not only within the school context but also in broader community and workplace settings. The team-building lunch fostered a sense of camaraderie, while the insights shared by previous captains emphasised the multifaceted nature of leadership. 


As our students step into the future, they now carry essential leadership lessons, understanding the importance of prioritising tasks that others depend on and practicing meaningful communication. With a clear team vision and shared values, the incoming student leadership team is poised to create a safe environment for Year 7 students, advocate for their peers, and bring to life the passions of every student within our school community. As we look ahead to the incoming year, we are confident that our student leaders are not just prepared for the role, they are ready to inspire positive change. 



Allana Constance 

Leading Teacher for Student Voice, Agency and Leadership.