Year 7 Transition

Art Activity 

with Ms Chiodo and Miss Constance. 


Year 6/7 Students were able to demonstrate their understanding of colour theory with a simple lettering task using contrasting warm and cool colours. 


Students were engaged in the activity demonstrating a creative response to the set task.  

They were also able to articulate how some of these concepts are evident in the art works Picasso, Van Gogh. Rubens and Afremov.  


It was lovely to meet such enthusiastic students, introduce them to the art classroom and find out about their own art experiences at their primary school. 





Cheese making!

In December our Year 8 students supported visiting primary school students in making cheese! It was fantastic to see the responsible way in which our students engaged, encouraged and supported the younger students. The Primary students finished the day with a clear understanding of how cheese is made, optimism about the learning to be done at Secondary school and some new friendships with older students. 


Thanks to Marquita Corr, Justine Olson, Lachlan Hunter, David Young also for running the activity. 



Meagan Merlino 

Transition Coordinator & Assistant Principal