Remembrance Day 2023
Grades 3, 4 , 5 & 6
Remembrance Day 2023
Grades 3, 4 , 5 & 6
Students from grades 3,4,5 and 6 spent some time creating poppies in preparation for the Remembrance Day ceremony. This was part of our activities on the Monday before Melbourne Cup day and we enjoyed getting together with some people we don't normally work with. Big THANKS to Miss Maxine for helping us with the designs and also for bringing her Ryobi hot melt glue gun!
Later in the week, we met Mr Teese, from the RSL at the cenotaph to place our poppies in the garden ready for the service on Saturday. Mr Teese talked to us about some of the elements of the Remembrance Day service and their meaning, especially the words of the Ode and how it was first written. We are grateful to Mr Teese for meeting us there on such a hot day!
School captains Meg and Tyler represented our school for the ceremony and placed a beautiful wreath on our behalf. Thanks to all those who also attended.