Deputy Principal
Mr Daniel Lapolla
Deputy Principal
Mr Daniel Lapolla
Straight off the back of exams our Year 10 cohort engaged in a day of celebration together. Commencing with mass, combined with some quality time amongst friends and concluding with our luncheon was an all-round successful day. The luncheon was a huge hit, with our external caterers offering thirds in terms of serves to a hungry cohort.
Our Year 11s for 2024 wasted no time with diving straight into their HeadStart Program. Day one aimed at giving them an insight into the workings of their individual subject requirements. Day two saw us upskilling our young men with the tools required for Senior Secondary learning. Use of the Student Lounge and coffee machines was a particular hit, with boys getting an insight into adult like learning experiences. Today concluded our HeadStart program with Waddo’s Walk where our Year 11s for 2024 and Year 12, 2024 Student Leaders will walk down Mount Wellington in honour of our dedicated teacher and dear friend Mr Waddington. Mr Waddington was our main advocate for Years 11 and 12 at SVC, so it is only fitting that the first groups to go through will honour his legacy in the type of man we want to encourage here at St Virgil’s College. I take this opportunity to commend our newest recruits on their energetic and positive start.
A reminder of the below events as we progress through the term.
Year 9 Day Trips | In House Groups:
Doyle 27-28 November
Dwyer 29-30 November
Hessian 1, 2 December
Joyce 5-6 Dec |
Thanksgiving and Awards Evening | 7 December
6.45 pm for a 7.00 pm Start MyState Arena |
Final Day for Students | 12 December |
This year we have been working with our student body to gain an insight into their thoughts and views around uniform. The most significant concern raised was “warmth”. With students claiming they weren’t warm enough combined with some feedback around comfort. As a result, the college has been working with Midford’s our uniform supplier to address these issues. We are currently awaiting samples and production timelines on the following additions to the uniform to be available in early 2024.
All of these items will be addressed in the first phase of our uniform review. With further additions/changes to follow as a result of student consultation.