From the Principal
Mr Jon Franzin
From the Principal
Mr Jon Franzin
Dear Parents, Students and Friends of St Virgil’s,
I strongly believe that a sign of a job well done is the legacy left for the future – in what has been achieved and in what can be picked up and carried on with. When a person finishes in a role or job, what have they left behind for the person stepping into their shoes? In contrast, a student finishing a year of schooling will be picking up their own legacy when the next year begins. Have they laid a good foundation of learning so they can cope with the harder work next year? Have they continued to develop good study habits which they will need as the amount of work increases? Have they built good relationships with peers and teachers, necessary to build the right environment for success? With Year 11 and 10 examinations now over reports will provide the broader picture of the legacy they will each carry into 2024.
As a parent of a secondary school student myself, the sudden news that last week, or this week, is the last week of lessons for them comes as a surprise. What? Already? Then of course, the thought: What are they going to get up to at home? For a lot of boys these days, it unfortunately seems to involve sedentary computer-based activities – Facebook, You Tube, online games, eating and the rest. I would like to offer the perfect advice around that but can’t claim to have effectively cracked that conundrum – apart from cutting off the power supply. Work or sports are options – but need organising. And the lethargy of some adolescent youth knows no bounds. With Year 11 finishing TASC examinations last week and Year 10s finishing this week with many attending HeadStart the weeks leading up to Christmas will need planning and filling.
On Monday our current Year 11 students attended the Junior School in support of our Kindergarten, Prep and Year 1 students with their annual Athletics Carnival. We hope to maintain this engagement between our Senior Years and our Early Years students next year building bonds between both campuses and establishing a sense of connectedness and belonging to our wonderful Virgilian culture. I thank our Year 11s for their contribution on the day but most importantly setting the tone and expectations for all students in what it truly means to be a man of integrity and a young man of this fine College. We are certainly in good hands.
It was wonderful to welcome our Kindergarten students and their parents to the Junior School campus yesterday for our Kindergarten Orientation Day. Kindergarten students had an opportunity to explore our facilities and our playground as well as connect with one another and our teaching staff. I thank all parents for their engagement with College and look forward to welcoming students and parents to the Junior School when school returns in February.
Next Monday we welcome many new and existing families to our Junior and Senior School campuses. This will be an opportunity for families to hear from key staff, but most importantly for our new students to spend time with their teachers in preparation for next year. Maybe calling it an ‘Orientation’ Day is not the best title, because given that a genuinely successful education for boys is the result of a strong partnership between parents and school, with both playing a key role, the main benefit of the day was the initiating of that relationship between teacher and parent, with the boys present and for our young men to spend quality time with their peers and key staff in readiness for the 2024 academic year.
Please find below information regarding staff updates including positions of leadership, new staff appointments and resignations.
Head of Humanities
We congratulate Mrs Alison Haddon-Cave on her appointment to the Head of Humanities role in 2024. We look forward to Alison contributing to the learning and teaching agenda at St Virgil’s College next year.
I am pleased to announce the following appointments for 2024;
Mathematics/Science Teacher: Lili Wrigley has been appointed to the position of Mathematics/Science Teacher. Lili is well known to the staff of St Virgil’s having recently completed her student teacher placement with Alison Haddon-Cave. Lili has a Bachelor of Psychological Science and will soon complete her Masters in Teaching (Secondary). Lili was a student at St Patrick’s College, Launceston and was heavily involved in the College rowing program.
Humanities/English/Religion: Damian Green has been appointed to the position of Humanities/English/Religion Teacher. Damian has been a teacher and Year Level Coordinator at The Hutchins School since 2003. Damian was an English teacher in Hong Kong from 1998 – 2002 prior to which Damian was on staff here at St Virgil's from 1990-1998 as Teacher and Student Counsellor.
Student Wellbeing Officer: Sam Dunn has been appointed to the position of Student Wellbeing Officer supporting our College Psychologist, Counsellor and Wellbeing Team. Sam is currently employed at Life Without Barriers as a social worker and is currently completing his Bachelor of Psychological Sciences at Swinburne University. Sam is well known to the staff and students at St Virgil’s College having recently been employed as a Learning Support Officer.
On behalf of the College, I congratulate Lili, Damien and Sam on their appointments, look forward to their contribution to our College community and welcoming them to St Virgil’s College next year.
The following staff have informed me of their intention to resign from their positions at the end of the year:
Jack Machin: Has been appointed to the position of Learning and Community Projects Manager, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra and will commence in this role in the new year. I know this has not been an easy decision for Jack, but these types of roles very rarely come up and is a reflection of his outstanding work as a musician and educator. We congratulate Jack on this significant appointment and will have an opportunity to farewell when he concludes at the beginning of next term. Advertising for his replacement has already commenced.
Lucy Carpenter: Will resign from her position as English/Humanities Teacher at the end of the year to set up a café at Battery Point.
Jessica Hutchinson: Due to ill health Jessica has advised me of her intention to resign from her position as Japanese Teacher concluding at the end of this year.
Andrea Green: Has been on leave during Terms 3 & 4 of this year and has recently moved to Launceston where she was able to secure a teaching position at St Patrick’s College.
We wish Lucy, Andrea, Jessica and Jack all the very best and we will have an opportunity to thank them for their contribution to our College community at the end of the year.
Best wishes for the week ahead.
Jon Franzin