Student Awards

Aussie of the Month Award

The Aussie of the Month is Marty H of Foundation M.  Marty is a calm and friendly student who makes sure everybody is included and gets a fair go. He displays empathy for others, by being helpful and solving problems - sometimes even before they’ve happened! Marty is always kind and uses his exceptional manners. He demonstrates integrity by carrying out important classroom jobs and is consistently honest. He always tries his best in every subject and his enthusiasm for learning is contagious. It is a delight to see you receive the Aussie of the Month award, it is well-deserved. Congratulations Marty!


Bucket Filler Awards

ClassStudent NameFor...
FAAmelia SA kind and friendly classmate.
FMMeika MBeing a kind and friendly student.
1KAria WBeing kind.
1MKatarina RAlways showing respect.
1/2HBo HMaking me laugh.
2BLila IBeing kind.
2RTommy CBeing respectful.
3GAbby WAlways walking in the classroom with a smile.
3OEva Di GBeing a kind new student to the best school ever.
3/4PHarry CBeing kind and trying his best.
4PMason MBeing a kind and caring classmate.
4QMeike CBeing inclusive, kind and friendly.
5MLachie TWorking hard in the classroom.
5McAlex KBeing a good friend to others.
5/6DBen HBeing a funny and persistent friend.
6GBen RComing back to school and being a great classmate.