The Joy of Worship

Marni Greenwood, Head of Junior School, Brooklyn Park (ELC–Yr 6

The Joy of Worship


Psalm 100 (NIV)

A psalm. For giving grateful praise.


"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."


I love this Psalm, for its singular focus of bringing worship to the Lord simply because He is God, He is good and He loves us, His people. 


I have always preferred though, the wording of the first line in the King James Version - Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. This is probably because it far more accurately describes my singing ability! I absolutely love singing songs of worship, and can confidently say that the sound I produce is much more of a ‘joyful noise’ than a beautiful melody! Regardless of my lack of vocal talent, I always look forward to opportunities for corporate worship. I so love the sense of God’s presence, when Christians gather, to sing worship to Him and often wonder about how much more amazing that will be in Heaven!


This year at our Brooklyn Park Campus, we have been gathering on Monday mornings for our weekly Junior School Assembly. An important part of this time is the opportunity for our student, staff and parent community to join together in worship. We have been blessed by having live worship led from the stage, by some of our talented Junior School teachers. It has been so very special to experience the change in the way that our students have engaged in worship, singing more enthusiastically than they have before. Witnessing 200 students singing and praising Jesus with joy, is such a delight!


Another part of this that has been very special, is the opportunity for our students to be involved in leading worship. Students in our Praise and Worship Club lead the actions every week. A few weeks ago some of our Year 5/6 students have joined the band, boldly singing on microphones in front of their peers. It is such a joy to see our students passionately using the talents that God has given them. This is one of the reasons why our weekly Assemblies have become one of my favourite parts of the week. 


Parents and caregivers are always welcome to join us at our Junior School Assemblies, starting at 9am every Monday morning, held at Adelaide West Uniting Church. We always have room for your ‘joyful noise’ as we gather together as a Brooklyn Park community!


Marni Greenwood

Head of Junior School Brooklyn Park Campus