Messages from the Front Office

Booklists 2024
Student booklists have been emailed to parents and hard copies are available to be collected from the front office if required. Orders placed with Campion prior to Monday 11 December will not incur a delivery fee. Orders can be placed after this date but may incur a fee.
Kindy Booklist
PrePrimary Booklist
Year 1 Booklist
Year 2 Booklist
Year 3 Booklist
Year 4-6 Booklist
We also pro the 2024 fees and charges estimate so that families are aware of the anticipated costs for their child's respective year group for the upcoming year.
For more expensive events such as the year 6 camp and swimming lessons, we are happy to put payment arrangements in place for families. Please feel free to come to the office and discuss this option at any time.
Updated student records
If you have changed address, email address or phone number, please ensure that the school has you most up to date information. Please inform the front office of any amendments required.
Lost Property
The lost property pile is growing again! If your child has lost items of uniform, water bottles or lunch boxes, please take a look in the green bucket located near the Canteen door in the undercover area. If they have lost items of jewellery please come to the front office and provide a description of the item.
Please ensure that your child's uniform, lunch box and water bottle is clearly labelled so that items can be promptly returned to their owners.
No Hat No Play
The weather is warming up, so please ensure your child has a hat packed in their bag every day.
Children without hats must play undercover, so to avoid disappointment please ensure they have a hat with them every day.
The uniform shop sells reversible school/faction coloured bucket hats. The uniform shop is open every Monday 8.30am - 9am.