From the Head of Senior School

It is hard to believe that the academic school year has now concluded. We finished the year with two busy weeks of ECP, Carols Services, Year 7 Orientation and Speech Nights. One of the highlights for me was attending the Aherne House Carols Service. It was a beautiful evening that included performances by the Junior and Senior School students and the laying of gifts for the children of our local communities. 


The tradition of singing carols has a rich and varied history that dates back centuries. The word ‘carol’ originally referred to a festive song or dance, and its roots can be traced to medieval Europe. Early carols were not necessarily Christmas-themed but often associated with celebrations and seasonal festivities. During the Middle Ages, carolling became closely linked to Christmas, with the lyrics focusing on the Nativity and religious themes. As time progressed, carolling spread across different regions and evolved, incorporating local languages and customs. Today, carolling remains a cherished holiday tradition, bringing communities such as ours together to share the joy of music and celebrate the spirit of Christmas.  


As we bid farewell to 2023, it is time to reflect on the incredible journey we have had together this year. The dedication and hard work of our students in Years 7 to 12 has been truly commendable, and we are immensely proud of their achievements, which were awarded at our Merit Assembly and Speech Night events. From academic successes to extracurricular accomplishments, our students have shone brightly, embodying the spirit of excellence that defines our school community. 


After the exhilarating and exhausting end-of-year rush, the holiday break gives our students an essential opportunity to recharge, rejuvenate and spend quality moments with family and friends. It’s important for our students to prioritise their wellbeing during the holidays and below are some tips to help them make the most of their well-deserved break: 

  • Stick to a routine: While it can be tempting to stay up late during the holidays, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule with a regular bedtime and wake-up time is vital for overall wellbeing.   
  • Digital detox: The holidays provide a great opportunity to minimise screen time and focus on spending quality time with friends and loved ones. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, so it’s particularly important to reduce screen time before bed.  
  • Prioritise self-care: It's important for students to make time for activities that bring them enjoyment and relaxation, whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk or practising mindfulness. 

It's particularly important that students focus on getting adequate rest and quality sleep over the break, as this will support their mental and emotional wellbeing and set them up for success in the next school year. The following websites have some great information on the importance of sleep and tips for those struggling to achieve a good night's rest: 

As we conclude 2023, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our students, parents and staff for their valuable contributions throughout the school year. I hope the holiday season brings you a restful and rejuvenating break filled with joy, warmth and precious moments with loved ones. 


Ms Dawn Davis

Head of Senior School