Religious Education

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

Exciting news! Our annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal kicks off on Monday, November 20th.  This festive tradition sees our community collect goods to create hampers for those in need right here in Brighton East. There are over 30 families in our local area who need our support this year. 


Shout-out to our Year 6 Social Justice leaders – Annie, Kip, and Aarit – for leading the charge on this appeal with the support of the classroom Social Justice Leaders. Thanks to Cathy Marigliani from St Vincent de Paul for her unwavering support. We couldn't do it without her dedication to making a difference. We value our relationship with St Vincent de Paul highly.


The hampers will be presented at the End of Year Mass. Let's make this Christmas special for everyone.


Here are some ideas for goods that can be donated. 

  • Christmas Food Items; Christmas pudding, mince tarts, drink (non-alcoholic), chocolate, biscuits, lollies, sauces, spreads etc
  • Gifts; diaries, books (new), movie tickets, towels, toiletries, socks, t-shirts, toys/games (new), vouchers etc
  • General Food Items; Cereals, coffee, tea, oils etc
  • Personal Items; shaving needs, soaps, body wash, dental care

Gospel Reflection - Sunday 19th November

Gospel Reading

Matthew 25:14-30

Jesus tells the parable of the talents, in which he teaches about the importance of using the gifts that God has given to us in service to the Kingdom of Heaven.


Family Connection

In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about the correlation between faithfulness and responsibilities. Family life provides many opportunities to illustrate this connection for children. As children prove themselves trustworthy, they can be trusted to take on greater responsibilities. Jesus teaches us in this parable that when we show ourselves to be trustworthy in small matters, we can be trusted to participate in greater matters of responsibility.


As you gather as a family, take some time to recall how each child in the family has matured and can now be trusted with greater responsibilities.


Say: In today’s Gospel, Jesus talked about how our trustworthiness in small matters shows that we can also be trusted to share in the work of serving the Kingdom of Heaven. Read Matthew 15:14-30. Say: We share in the work of serving the Kingdom of Heaven when we use our talents to help and serve others.


As a family, choose one thing to do this week to serve others. Conclude in prayer together, asking God’s help so that your family may serve others more faithfully. Pray together the Prayer to the Holy Spirit.


Steele Anderson

Deputy Principal / RE Leader