Deputy Principal's Report

Tips for surviving Term 4

Hey everyone, we're almost there—just a little more to go! Parents, you know these last weeks of school can be a bit tricky with the mix of excitement for summer and feeling tired from a busy school year. Things can easily spiral out of routine, busily preparing for the end of the year. It can make us all feel a little out of sorts. To help make these final weeks a breeze, here are some simple but useful tips to pop up on the fridge:

  1. Stick to the Plan: Don't switch up your routine just yet. Stick to your morning and afternoon schedules and keep up with after-school activities. And hey, bedtime routines still matter!
  2. Keep the Learning Fun Learning doesn't stop just because summer is around the corner. Make sure your brains stay active with some cool reading and homework. If your child needs a reading boost, there's still time for some extra support. Plus, pick out some awesome summer or holiday-themed books to keep things interesting.
  3. Stay Cool and Hydrated It's getting hot out there! Make sure everyone has chilled water nearby. Dehydration makes you feel all yucky, tired, and grumpy. No one wants that!
  4. Extra Patience, Please! You might notice your kids getting a bit tired. With assignments and assessments in progress, a little patience goes a long way. Take some time to chat with them about their day. Being patient shows you've got their back and can boost their confidence.
  5. Talk About Worries Sometimes worries sneak up on us. Your child might be feeling anxious about next year—new teachers, new classrooms. Or maybe moving up to high school is a bit nerve-wracking. Talking about these feelings can help calm them down and find solutions. 

You can find out more information on If you have any worries or concerns about your child's academics, wellbeing or anything else, please get in touch. We are happy to talk it through and ocme up with a plan that works for everyone. The main thing is to hang in there! The finish line is in sight, and summer adventures await!

2024 Prep Orientation

Our 2024 Prep teachers are so excited for our second prep orientation this coming Monday. During this session they will continue to explore different parts of the school life, but most importantly they will get to meet their Year 4 buddy. 


At St finbar's we really value the Prep Buddy program as it is supports this early transition for several reasons:

  • Smooth Transition: Starting school can be an overwhelming experience for young students. Having a buddy from an older grade helps ease the transition. The older buddies can guide the new students, show them around, and make them feel comfortable in their new environment.
  • Emotional Support: The transition to a new school involves not only adjusting to a different physical space but also adapting to a new social environment. Having a buddy provides emotional support, as the older student can offer reassurance, answer questions, and be a friendly face in a sea of new faces.
  • Building Relationships: The buddy program fosters the development of positive relationships between students of different age groups. This not only benefits the new students but also enhances a sense of responsibility and leadership among the older buddies. The bonds formed during this program can contribute to a supportive and inclusive school community.
  • Navigating School Culture: Every school has its unique culture, including traditions, routines, and expectations. Older buddies can play a crucial role in helping new students understand and navigate this culture, making them feel integrated and connected to the school community.
  • Academic Assistance: Buddies can also provide academic support, helping new students understand classroom routines, assisting with some classroom activities, and sharing tips for success. 
  • Boosting Confidence: Knowing that there is an older student looking out for them can boost the confidence of new students. This support system can help alleviate anxiety and foster a positive attitude towards learning and participating in various school activities.
  • Continuity of Support: The relationships formed through the Prep Buddy Program are designed to extend over the next couple of years, providing a continuous support system as new students progress through their early years of schooling. This continuity contributes to a sense of stability and belonging.

In essence, our Prep Buddy Program is essential for creating a welcoming and supportive environment for new students, helping them not only adapt to the academic aspects of St Finbar's but also facilitating their social and emotional well-being.


Our new prep parents are then invited to attend our parent information night that evening where our team of teachers will go through what the year will look like and answer any questions that arise. 


Thanks again for all your support,

Peggy McDonald & Steele Anderson

Deputy Principals