Principal's Report

Dear Parents,

Staffing news

Our staffing is just about finalised for 2024. I am sorry to announce that Ms Kim Davis will be departing St Finbar's at the end of this school year. Kim has been at St Finbar's for three years and has decided that the time is right for a change. We will miss Kim's experience and expertise.   Miss Tilly Ferrari is taking temporary leave next year to travel and teach in the UK. This will be such a great experience for her, and we look forward to having Tilly back with us in 2025. 


We have Miss Carlie Cochrane starting with us in 2024. Carlie worked in 2Z as a pre-service teacher earlier this year and we were impressed with her dedication and commitment.  We can't wait to have Carlie join us next year. 


School Advisory Council Expression of Interest 

As we near the end of the school year, it is time to start thinking about our School Advisory Council for 2024.  We are calling for nominations from parents who would like to be considered for the SAC. The SAC meets 6-8 times a year and provides advice to the Principal around education and community. Membership is normally for a period of three years. Please email me if this is a role that you would be interested in or feel free to speak to me if you would like further information about what the role involves.

Head Lice

There is an ongoing issue with recurring head lice outbreaks at the moment. We do ask that you be vigilant with checking your child's hair regularly.   If you do receive a head lice alert from the office, please follow the steps outlined to try to prevent the spread.  


Students with longer hair should have it tied back and/or plaited reduce the chance of head lice spreading.   Remind your children that we don't share hats at school, and we'll continue to reinforce this message at school as well. The best way to eradicate the problem is a concerted effort by all parents.


Child Safe Standards

St Finbar's is mandated to uphold the Child Safe Standards, introduced by the Victorian Government in 2022. We strive to ensure that we follow best practice in each of the eleven Standards.  The infographic below is a "plain language" summary of the Standards. 


Talent Show 

Our Year 6 leaders initiated and organised the Junior and Senior talent shows, which took place over four days. Once again, we were impressed with our Student Leaders and their ability to coordinate an event such as this. 


Thank you and God bless,

Michelle Hill,

Acting Principal