Student Achievements

Pupil of the Week

PADAdeleFor being a caring learner who is always willing to make others smile and help her friends when they are in need. 
PMUConor MFor his fantastic reading during the week. Conor was able to read and comprehend what he was reading. Keep up the fabulous work Conor! 
PLAMichelleFor her being principled during maths by staying focused when completing place value activities. Well done Michelle! 
1PCAdeleFor being a caring learner who is always willing to make others smile and help her friends when they are in need. 
1VEEmilyFor being a risk taker during our excursion to Myuna Farm. Emily was courageous in trying new things and encouraged her classmates to give things a go too. Way to go Emily! 
1THOliviaFor demonstrating the learner profile of ‘caring’. Olivia has looked after her peers by being friendly and inclusive throughout the year.  
2HAAnthonyFor being a fantastic open-minded learner who always tries to find different ways to solve problems as they arise. Way to go Anthony! 
2LAAlex LFor working very hard to improve his writing skills. Well done Alex! 
2LMLaylaFor being a thinker and using place value and partitioning to solve subtraction problems! Way to go Layla!  
3BEAlexFor being a cooperative student who works hard and always listens to the speaker. Well done Alex! 
3MISkyeFor being a caring learner in class helping her peers solve challenging puzzles and using encouraging words. Well done Skye! 
3BADominicFor his fabulous and heartfelt letter to Mr Bau 
4DSGloriaFor her risk taking with her spelling words and using her spelling card everytime we write. 
4SCEmmyFor being a principled learner. Emmy stays on task and completes all her work throughout the week. Keep up the amazing work Emmy! 
4SIEmmaFor being a risk taker and always attempting all tasks and having a go. Emma has made a great start on her Christmas budget task. Awesome work Emma! 



For being so kind and caring to his classmates, making sure they are okay and welcoming them into his group. Thankyou Jacob! 
5HAIndianaFor demonstrating a growth mindset and making terrific progress in maths.  Indiana is not afraid of challenges and works hard to learn from her mistakes. 
6CRJacintaFor being really focused in all class activities this week. Jacinta has been great at sharing her ideas in class discussions. Great work Jacinta! 
6LAEmilyFor an inspiring idea of recycling old soaps into candles. Throughout your sustainability project you have used effective thinking skills. Great work Emily! 
1VE & 4DS

Eddie and Buddy Z


You both deserve the highest praise for consistently demonstrating a great level of commitment to learning Italian and modelling independent learning skills and exceptional behaviour. Bravi!

Entrambi vi meritati un elogio speciale per il grande impegno dimostrato nell’apprendimento dell’italiano e per essere stati modelli di studio auto-diretto e di comportamento. Bravi!



Random Acts of Kindness

Congratulations to the following students who have shown kindess to others throughout the week

Week 8


Cooper R. (1TH) for his excellent leadership skills at the Prep Orientation session.

Terence A. (1TH) for using his beautiful manners when speaking with staff on the playground.

Mary Y. (4SI) and Chase D. (4SI) for collecting all left behind sports equipment from the oval at the end of play time.

Marco L. (1VE) for seeking out each staff member who attended the Year 1 excursion to thank them personally. This is outstanding!

Ethan A. (1VE) for assisting a classmate in need of help. Ethan used kind words and encouraged others who needed assistance.

Guy F. (1VE) for helping a new student to the school and showing him kindness and support.

Vasiliki M. (5HA) for taking the time to check that other students has someone else to play with.