Year Three

Dear Year Three Parents and Guardians,


It has fantastic to see the Year Three students continue to show enthusiasm towards learning and settling into the new school year. Our students have spent the last fortnight completing their First 20 Days of School' program. Students have explored each of the Learner Profile Attributes and used this to help establish their classroom Essential Agreements which outline their collective expectations of how their classrooms should look, feel and sound. We hope everyone has been enjoying their child/ren coming home and sharing their learning with you. 



One of our key focuses has been preparing our students for the upcoming NAPLAN assessments. To help our Year 3 students feel comfortable and confident, we have been conducting Omnibus tests that simulate the actual testing environment. These practise sessions are designed to familiarise students with the test format, timing, and types of questions they will encounter.


In Reading, Year Three students have been continuing their focus on comprehension in the lead-up to NAPLAN. Students have been reading a range of animal fables by the author Arnold Lobel and developing their understanding of the ‘QAR’ strategy (Question Answer Relationship) to enhance their skills in answering both literal and inferential questions.  

Each class have also been running focus reading groups, centred around student needs, to improve each Year Three student's reading skills. Teachers strongly encourage all students to read every night to support their progress.


In our writing, students are diving into the exciting world of persuasive writing! We've introduced the OREO structure (Opinion, Reasons, Examples, Opinion restated) to help students craft compelling arguments. This engaging approach is teaching our young writers how to clearly express their thoughts, provide supporting evidence, and conclude with a strong final statement. Students are learning to structure their writing with confidence, selecting topics they're passionate about and developing the skills to present their viewpoints clearly and effectively. As we prepare for upcoming assessments, this method is helping students organise their ideas and become more articulate communicators.



In Numeracy, students have delved into the fascinating realm of 2D shape and 3D objects, learning to identify and describe various geometric forms. Through hands-on activities such as building 3D models with nets, they've gained a deeper understanding of geometric properties. 


Our math explorers have also been mastering units of measurement, investigating length, capacity, and mass. They've conducted engaging experiments using rulers, measuring tapes, and containers to understand these concepts practically. Teachers encourage parents/carers to continue supporting their child's mathematical journey by engaging in shape identification and measurement activities at home.



This week, our Year 3 students embarked on an exciting inquiry journey exploring the Central Idea: 'Our beliefs influence our identity'. We began by unpacking this complex concept, carefully investigating and researching the key words 'belief', 'influence', and 'identity'. Through thoughtful discussions, research activities, and collaborative investigations, students have been delving deep into understanding how our personal beliefs shape who we are and how we see ourselves. This inquiry has sparked meaningful conversations about personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and the ways in which our beliefs impact our sense of self.

Dates to remember

  • NAPLAN: 12th March - 24th March

  • Swimming Group 1: 27th May - 6th June

  • Swimming Group 2: 10th June - 20th June 

Important Reminders

Hat and Hydration Policy:

  • Bring and wear their wide brim hat at every break time

  • Carry a full water bottle to school each day to stay hydrated

Technology and Preparation:

  • Please ensure iPads are fully charged before bringing them to school

  • Students should arrive prepared and ready to learn

Additionally, our school day begins at 8:30am, with classroom doors opening at 8:20am. This early access allows students time to settle in and prepare for their learning. This is a crucial time of the day that prepares students for a successful and engaging day.


If a student arrives after 8:40am, they must sign in at the school office and obtain a late pass. This helps us maintain accurate attendance records and minimise classroom disruption.


Kind Regards,

Year Three Teaching Team