Principal's Report 

Our captains

Dear Families,


Thank you for attending the Commissioning Mass, to begin the school year by commissioning the staff, students and parents who will be part of our exciting learning journey in 2025. I was very proud to present the captains with their leadership badges and to acknowledge those students who take on important roles as monitors. Father's homily encouraged us to love others as they are our brothers and sisters. Each of us are sons and daughters of God. Father spoke of God's vision of being open to others when it is difficult by looking beyond their failings and to focus on noticing their good points. By trying not to judge and by seeing the good in each other, we are demonstrating that we are Christians, each chosen by God and deserving of love. 

It is with this in mind that I reflect on my time at St Leonard's. At the start of my 7th year, it's hard to say goodbye to a community of people you love. So much of the role of any educator, including principals, is to care for others. It is a special vocation, a calling from God to spread His love and to make a difference.  Schools like St Leonard's have an added factor that means that working here is more like working in a family because there is so much love. Some of my favourite times are when we gather together as a school. I am reminded of St Matthew's gospel (18:19-20) ...For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew (18:19-20). At the assembly yesterday I felt the presence of God so strongly. The students, staff and parents who dressed up, spoke, sang and danced really touched my heart and brought me joy. I am grateful to everyone for making me feel so special.


The most difficult part of leaving the school will be that I will miss each of our students very much. They inspire my spirit and bring life and creativity to the school in a way that adults can't. In each of them I can see our hope for the future. Our students open me up to a new way of seeing and experiencing the world. I have tried to keep the children at the centre of all that we do as I believe that this is our responsibility. It brings a level of integrity to all we do as we aspire to excellence. By encouraging the students to pursue their dreams, to think about our yearly themes and by teaching them to have a growth mindset, I hope that they will remain positive and optimistic learners for the rest of their lives. They may not remember much about school when they are older, but if they hear one of our theme songs it may spark positive memories. I have every confidence that they will continue to shine brightly.

Parish priests and principals hold distinctive roles of leadership in their parish and school communities, and therefore it is essential that they work collaboratively to ensure that the relationship between parish and school is central to providing the religious leadership necessary for the success of the mission. (MACS Working Together in Mission 2021, p.8)

As this is my last newsletter before commencing my new role, I would also like to thank Father John Dowling for his collaboration, support and for his leadership in faith. Our weekly meetings and Father’s attendance at SAC meetings mean that he is an integral part of our school. Father John leads us to develop and enrich our prayer lives and has a prominent role in the formation of the children as they receive the sacraments and in the formation of staff in their teaching roles. Father John’s support, wisdom and advice to the staff and to me, personally, has been very much appreciated.


I would like to thank our Leadership Team, particularly our Deputy Principal and Teaching and Learning Leader, Angela Foale, who has collaborated closely with staff in designing a dynamic, contemporary and engaging curriculum for the students. Last  year saw a major change to teaching and learning in the new MACS 2030 Strategy and the Vision for Instruction. Angela and the Leadership Team have been instrumental in keeping a focus on the science of learning. The science of learning draws on research from cognitive psychology, neuroscience and education to understand the processes through which we learn.


The success of our school can largely be attributed to all the dedicated and hard-working classroom teachers, specialist staff, learning support staff, allied health partners, Rency from Camp Australia and our wonderful office staff, Maria and Nalika. It is their relationships with the students and their families that makes a difference. I am very grateful for the staff’s constant professionalism, skill and commitment to achieving learning growth for all. I am leaving feeling confident that the staff will uphold our school culture of developing within each individual a Catholic worldview (or understanding of a Catholic worldview) with high standards and a strong sense of wellbeing. I know that the staff will continue to shine brightly, with the support of our community.

School advisory councils do not share in the governance of Catholic schools, but provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders. While they do not have a decision-making authority, they inform and advise the principal and school leadership.  (MACS Working Together in Mission 2021, p.20)

I thank all members of the School Advisory Council  for supporting and giving advice to Father John and myself. Their perspectives assist us to achieve the best possible school for the students. The SAC Chair, Ruwan Perera, takes things in his stride and carefully considers options before acting wisely. Ruwan’s passion to support and improve our school is undeniable and is very much appreciated. I know that the SAC members will continue to do all they can to help our school shine brightly in the future. Following our AGM on Tuesday, I am pleased to announce that Ruwan will continue as chair in 2025.

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association's dual purpose of building community and raising funds, was fulfilled in 2024 thanks to the leadership of  Christina Paone, our PFA President, the executive and the team. From a distance I will be excited to hear that the new PFA team, chaired by Melanie Harper continue to uphold, develop and strengthen the wonderful traditions that have been laid by previous PFA's. An example of their work was the pizza day that the students enjoyed yesterday. I am grateful to the volunteers who assisted.

School Advisory Council Welcome BBQ 28th Feb

Our welcome BBQ is on tomorrow Friday 28th February at 6pm on our school oval. It's a great chance to meet the community. It will also be my last official event as the Principal of St Leonard's, so it would be lovely to see you there. It is essential to RSVP so that we know how many people to cater for. 


The basketball court will be closed to parking, so please find a parking spot further away and walk to school.

Pancake Day

Shrove Tuesday is March 4th, 2025.

Join us for a school-wide pancake cook-up in the Community Centre to celebrate Shrove Tuesday! We'll be making delicious vegan pancakes for all students, ensuring everyone can enjoy the fun. 


Prep: 9:00 AM

Year 1/2: 10:00 AM

Year 3/4: 11:30 AM (after recess)

We'd love for you to join us as a parent volunteer! Whether you can help all day or just for a portion of the day, your support is greatly appreciated. Please note that WWCC and Code of Conduct requirements apply.


Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. We will have a whole-school Mass led by the Year 3/4 students, followed by a Prep Liturgy. The Year 1-4 students will attend 9:15am mass on Ash Wednesday. Our Preps will have a special, shorter age appropriate liturgy at 10am with Father John and the teachers.

Year 5 / 6 Sovereign Hill Camp

Please be advised that the Springvale Road car park will be closed on Monday morning, 3rd March, to accommodate two Driver Coach buses. This will allow us to safely load luggage and board the Year 5/6 students departing for and returning from camp. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure the safety and timely departure of our students.


We kindly ask that families use the alternate entry at Allen Street (with a drive-through option available), or make use of off-street parking facilities in the neighbouring areas. Alternatively, you may wish to park at Central Reserve and walk to the school.

Additionally, on Wednesday, 5th March, parking will be available in the Springvale Road car park, but please note that you will be required to move your vehicle by 3:30pm. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this condition.

ROAR Parent Information Session

Thank you to the families that tuned in to the ROAR information session on Wednesday night, we had fantastic numbers. 


The ROAR organisation has provided us with some Post Session information, so if you were unable to tune in please read through the notes. We will send these through Seesaw to families in the coming days.


My very best wishes to the whole community for the future. 


Rob Horwood
