Year 2 Specialist News - Term 1

Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea:
Celebrating our world: Exploring traditional celebrations of different cultures and their visual creations.
Lines Of Inquiry:
- Cultural Symbols and Art: Different cultures use symbols and artistic expressions to show the meaning of their celebrations.
- Artistic traditions: Traditional art forms and techniques are associated with specific cultural celebrations.
- Creating Our Celebratory Art: We use our learning to create culturally diverse artwork.
Key Concepts:
perspective and connection
Learner Profile Attributes:
open-minded and inquirer
Students Will Create:
- Carnival Masks: Combining bold monotone pattern and colourful collage to construct an effective mask inspired by Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival
- Sugar Skull and Flower Crown Multimedia artwork: Capturing line and form using Magiclay to draw a Sugar Skull design inspired by Mexico’s ‘Dia de los Muertos,’ ‘Day of the Dead’ celebration. Enhancing the work with colourful painted flower/nature crowns
- Scandinavian traditional decorations: Incorporating fine motor skills through binding and knotting techniques
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Forces change the way things move.
Lines Of Inquiry:
- Different forces.
- The way different forces work.
- Impact of technological advances on Japanese people.
Key Concepts:
function and causation
Learner Profile Attributes:
thinker and inquirer
Students Will:
- Say and spell various verbs in Hiragana such as PUSH and PULL
- Make a Japanese paper toy and explain how it moves using simple verbs in Japanese
- Tell what kind of high-tech machines they have in Japan and how they impact on the life of Japanese people
- Experience (play) a traditional game called TONTON SUMO (paper SUMO) and explain how it works
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Forces change the way we hear sound
Lines Of Inquiry:
- The way different forces work
- Impact of force on the music elements
Key Concepts
function and causation
Learner Profile Attributes:
thinker and inquirer
Students Will:
- Respond to music e.g. Techno World, through playing ostinatos on instruments and through movement
- Consolidate their rhythm knowledge as they play the bucket drums
- Discuss how the change of tone colour, beat, rhythm, dynamics, pitch, can change the mood/effect of a piece
- Listen to and appreciate a variety of music connected to their unit of inquiry
- Watch clips showing how musical instruments can be invented and played, using various and imaginative ways of applying force. A visual example of the effects of both causation and function
- Perfect two songs to perform at the end of year Christmas performance
Physical Education
Transdisciplinary Theme:
Sharing the planet
Central Idea:
Creating equal opportunities to use various equipment and relate to specific sport-based games within our school environment and different communities.
Lines Of Inquiry:
- Importance of sharing ideas on what games work in different communities
- Teamwork in outdoor activities
- Taking responsibility for the environment during outdoor activities using different equipment specific to the environment
- How collaboration contributes to the enjoyment of outdoor spaces
Key Concepts:
function and connection
Learner Profile Attributes:
risk taker and caring
Students Will:
- Look at games First Nation People learnt and played and learn to use equipment that is made from the environment
- Use Fundamental Motor Skills to improve games with a range of equipment that can be kicked, thrown or rolled
- Work in teams to play small games
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Forces change the way things move
Lines Of Inquiry:
- Different forces
- The way different forces work
Key Concepts:
function, causation
Learner Profile Attributes:
thinker, inquirer
Students Will:
- Be exposed to a variety of texts both fiction and non-fiction which feature and discuss forces
- Discuss the books content including any new facts learned
- Explore Aaron Blabey as an author study looking at his early life, his works, what motivates him to write his books, the process of writing and illustrating his books
- Use language related to the Learner profile attributes in the library, such as being principled by showing respect to the books and people and being balanced by sitting and reading quietly at the appropriate time
- Explore books related to celebrations this term e.g. Halloween, Christmas