Growth & Development


Growing up, I was involved in Boys’ Brigade, a church-based youth leadership training organisation that had a big impact on my understanding that christianity is not just a Sunday add-on to my life, it is my life when I choose to follow Christ.  It also gave me an awareness, and reassurance, that I don’t have to be perfect; I’m a work in progress.  There is a transformation that takes place over time, as I develop and practice godly habits.


One of the key bible verses underpinning the Boys’ Brigade program, and my own sense of personal wellbeing, is found in Luke 2:52.  It reveals that, ‘Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man’.  Whilst we are not given much other information about the early life of Jesus, this short sentence is quite remarkable, and significant to all in our BHCS community in the following ways.


Firstly, it emphasises the humanity of Jesus.  It tells us that the Almighty God of the universe identifies so closely with us in our humanity that He was prepared to undergo growth and development just like any other human being.  Jesus experienced, and empathises with, all the same processes and ‘growing pains’ of development we go through.


Secondly, the verse expresses the holistic nature of Jesus’ development.  He grew, not only intellectually (in wisdom), but also physically (in stature), spiritually (in favour with God), and socially (in favour with people).  This emphasises to us the importance of balanced development in all areas of life and, for the sake of our wellbeing, requires an honest assessment of where we may be out of balance.  We’re created by God to live in equilibrium.  If we are neglecting any of these aspects we are doing ourselves, and Him, a disservice and not living our best life.   


Thirdly, it sets an example for us.  If God believed it was important for Jesus to grow in wisdom, in stature, and in favour with God and people, it underscores the importance for us to work hard at continuous growth and development in each of these areas also.

Whilst we’re not perfect, I am thankful that the staff at Belgrave Heights Christian School works so hard, in partnership with parents, to provide balanced growth and development - intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially - in order that our students would know Christ, become inspired learners, and experience transformed lives.


‘Water what you want to grow’ - Craig McCrae