Students of the Week

Term 1 - Weeks 5 & 6
Week 5
Noah McM - Well done Noah, you have had such a wonderful start to Foundation. You are a determined learner, always trying your best and showing a growth mindset. I love the kindness, positivity and beaming smile that you bring each day! We are so lucky to have you in Foundation D! Congratulations!
Neve S - Congratulations Neve, for your kindness, ready to learn attitude and beaming smile that you bring to school each day! You are a wonderful role model in FJ!
James H - For being a ‘have a go’ champion. You always try your best, especially with your beautiful handwriting during our morning practise. Keep up the fantastic work!
Ashton G - Congratulations Ashton - you are a superstar! I have been so impressed with your focus and dedication to your learning. You always put in 110% effort. Keep it up legend!
Tom G - Well done Tom! You have impressed me so much with your positive attitude and your curiosity to learn new topics. Well done on being an absolute champion in 1P!
Zach H - You light up our class with your kindness and respect for others. You're not only heaps of fun to be around, but your humungous smile and contributions to class discussions make everything a little brighter.
Mackenzie M - For being a polite, friendly and caring class member who always arrives at school each day, ready to try her best. Your attitude always reflects in your learning. Your recent Monster writing task about Cuddles was outstanding. Keep up the great work!
Olivia H - Olivia, you are a wonderful role model in 2W! You are such a kind and thoughtful friend in the classroom who is always ready to help people around you. Keep up the amazing work!
Sammy G - Sammy, you have shown fantastic resilience and determination with your learning and all-round awesome attitude this week. Keep working hard!
Harry P - Harry, what a terrific week you have had. You have listened carefully to instructions and taken on feedback to ensure that you are doing your work to the best of your ability. Great work champion!
Sophie B - For always trying your best, asking questions and using initiative in our classroom. Your curiosity for learning will take you far! Keep it up, superstar!
Jacob A - For being so curious about your learning, asking questions, making observations and constantly wanting to learn more! You are a learning legend!
Emma I - Emma, your smile and joyful demeanour lighten up our classroom each and every day. Your kindness is contagious, keep up the great work!
Jemima C - Jemima, you are a shining example of dedication, leadership, and self-motivation within our classroom. You consistently exemplify qualities that inspire those around you, making you a standout role model in 5/6B. You display what being a leader means, leading not by command, but by example, demonstrating integrity, empathy, and resilience in all that you do. Keep up the amazing work, Jemima!
Umiko S - Umiko, you are such a kind and caring spirit who goes out their way to help others… especially Mr.K! You are also doing amazing things in class too! Keep up the great work.
Owen B - Your ability to help a classmate learn about fractions and decimals was superb, 'the bee's knees'!
Asher M - For your contagious positive, and enthusiastic energy and attitude that you bring to 5/6T every day!
Luca C - You consistently demonstrate grit, determination, focus and hard work in all areas at school, both in and out of the classroom. Your contributions and ability to share and listen during class discussions is impressive, and you have shown great maturity and empathy throughout the term so far. What a legend you are, Luca! Keep up the brilliant effort.
Week 6
Harriet W - For coming to school each day with a beaming smile, a kind heart and a ready-to-learn attitude! What a superstar you are.
Huxley F - For being a focused learner, a superstar helper and a kind classmate. Keep up the fantastic work!
Jack H - For your perfect pocket work each morning! You always try your best with your letters and it’s delightful to see how proud you are to show off your work to the class.
Oscar O - All of us in 1M think you are amazing! You have been so resilient and have shown you can still work hard, even with a broken arm! You are a superstar, well done champ!
Isabelle N - For your incredible, hard work during our first week of reading groups. Well done!
Willow H - For your outstanding mindset and eagerness to tackle challenges, be it decoding big numbers or crafting the most creative narratives. You are an exceptional student Willow!
Angus M - For being a positive influence in the 2L classroom. You always know the right time to listen, work, play, laugh and have fun. You are achieving great things in all areas of your learning and are a kind friend too. Keep being you. Well done Angus!
Jasper N - Well done for having a fantastic attitude when approaching new concepts, Jasper! You have demonstrated that you are a determined learner who always tries your best and completes work to the best of your ability! Keep up the great effort!
Kiko G - Without exception you demonstrate kindness, consideration, empathy, determination, focus and a positive attitude each and every day.
Quinn B - Quinn, congratulations on a terrific week of learning. You have maintained positivity and determination when approaching all of your tasks and there have been great results. Keep up the hard work, superstar!
Annabel S - For showing courage and maturity when dealing with problems. Well done on exercising a growth mindset this week, both with your work and in the playground. Keep it up!
Florence G - For showing leadership in our classroom and always being kind and approachable to others! Florence, you are a wonderful role model for your peers!
Sadie G - Sadie, you should be so proud of the commitment you have shown during class this week. Your willingness to take on feedback to improve your learning is EXCEPTIONAL! Keep up the great work.
Grade 5/6s
On Camp - no Student of the Week.