Leadership @ MPS

Building Update
We were thrilled to say goodbye to the builders' sheds and workrooms last week and even more excited to receive handover of our new staff room and administration offices! Our staff have put up with less than adequate meeting/collaboration spaces for a long time so this new space has been very well received! We were so very lucky to have Gavin and his team from HLC to manage this project. Thanks team!
We are still awaiting an outcome from the VSBA in regards to our Fire Services and the necessary upgrade. The cost for this upgrade is around $190,000 and we have everything crossed that we will be successful in attaining a grant for this. While we wait for this news, the front entrance and SAKG garden reinstatement is at a stalemate, as any contingency that we have from the project will need to be put towards the Fire Services upgrade if we are unsuccessful with the grant. As much as this is frustrating, we have been extremely lucky with the overall project. The quality of design, workmanship and cost has been impressive, particularly in light of what many other schools are experiencing with their building works and programs. We have already had many visitors from other schools come and see our new spaces - and they have all left very envious!
2023 Performance Summary
At the beginning of each school year every Victorian government school receives an Annual Report which documents the school's achievements and progress for the previous year.
One component of this report is the Performance Summary which is broken up into the areas of School Profile, Learning, Wellbeing and Engagement. We recently received our 2023 Performance Summary and wanted to share some of the highlights from each of these sections with our school community.
School Profile
* 'Similar Schools' are a group of Victorian government schools that are like MPS, taking into account the school's socioeconomic background of students, the number of non-English speaking students and the size and location of the school.
Colour Run
See details on the Colour Run page!
Easter is coming!
Seeking donations for our annual Easter Raffle! See details on our Easter Raffle page!
Save the dates!
Friday, 10th May @ 9am - Mother's Day Assembly followed by Morning Tea
Friday, 14th June (time TBC) - Comedy Night (Parents/carers only!)