Around the College 

Year 8 Visual Communication Design

Year 8 Visual Communication Design students have been busy in and outside of the classroom experimenting with different media to explore rendering techniques for Observational Drawing. Students have used grey-lead pencils and blending stumps, coloured pencils, and water colour paint to achieve some great results. Please see some of their detailed outcomes below and the students in action in the classroom.

Bernice Arigu
Cristian Docanto
Savannah Earle
Gordon Langley
Bernice Arigu
Students using water colours
Bernice Arigu
Cristian Docanto
Savannah Earle
Gordon Langley
Bernice Arigu
Students using water colours

Open Evening

Our annual Open Evening was held on Tuesday 27 February.  It is a time for potential Nazareth students and their families to visit the College, explore our campus and learn about our curriculum.

Our staff and some of our students conducted our visitors on tours around the school where they met teachers of the different subjects offered at Nazareth. It gave parents and students a chance to ask questions, and even take part in practical experiences.

If you are aware of families considering Nazareth College for their children but were unable to attend our Open Evening, please direct them to our website where they can book a school tour.


Our College 'mascot', Henry, proudly showed off his Nazareth College tie at the Open Evening.