Ways of Being Together, Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

Information & Latest News 

Quiet Club- Fridays

This term we welcome back an indoor lunchtime club on Fridays. Quiet Club has been initiated by one of our Year 3 students this year and is open to students who would like a quiet space to play in the school hall.


Activities such as construction city, drawing, Lego, marble run and a quiet reading corner were all on offer.


Quiet Club was a resounding success and we are looking forward to seeing who comes along each Friday! We also have the Library open on Wednesdays as another option for students who would like a quiet calm place to read during the lunch break. 



Erin Stone

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader (Prep - Year 2)



Kirstyn Morgan

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader (Year 3-6)



Andrea Finlay 

P-6 Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader


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