A note from Mr Jackson

Parent Teacher Meetings

Thanks to parents and teachers for placing the important relationship between home and school at the centre of discussions on Tuesday night. This spirit of collaboration will continue to see students progress throughout the year. Although these meetings were brief, they were able to provide a space for information to be exchanged, questions to be raised and relationships built.


We look forward to finalising the interviews for 12K on Tuesday 20 February. More information will be provided to the 12K class through Compass.


A range of targeted interviews have been completed for students with more complex needs. These have enabled a range of significant adaptions to be implemented to support students as they settle into the rhythms of learning and life at Rosanna Primary. New Disability Inclusion funding has enabled some staff to plan and prepare Individual Education Plans well as participate in meetings, and shape inclusive spaces.


School Student Leadership Development

We hope that our 2024 student leadership team will be enriched by their participation in the National Young Leaders Day. The day will provide a unique opportunity for students to hear some of Australia's most well know people share insights from their own leadership journey. We hope it is both inspirational and continues to shape our students’ leadership understandings.


Respectful Relationships Embedded

Last week, staff participated in professional learning around Respectful Relationships. This program lies at the heart of our focus on social and emotional learning. Last term, staff developed a scope and sequence that ensured our school values were taught explicitly and consistently across the year levels. This term, all our classes will be focused on Emotional Literacy and Personal Strengths. These foci provide a great start to the year as students learn to monitor and regulate their emotions. 


Consent Notes Available

A reminder to all parents and carers that a range of consent forms have been made available on QKR! These consents enable students to participate in a range of learning experiences and events. Consents to use digital technology was distributed earlier in the week in hard copy with an invitation to have a conversation at home about the importance of cyber safety. Your support in completing the documentation is greatly appreciated.


Working Bee Reminder

Please pencil in your attendance at the first Working Bee for 2024 on Saturday 24 February between 9am and 12noon. We have about 20m3 of softfall to disperse across our playgrounds to ensure student safety. Come for an hour or even the whole morning. We’re all looking forward to the BBQ at 12noon! Please bring along a wheelbarrow and your muscle! Thanks for helping ensure the safety of of all our students.


FORPS Planning Evening

- 7pm, Wed 21 February in Chandler Hall

Next week, FORPS (Friends of Rosanna Primary School) are inviting all parents to come together to help map out what 2024 might bring. This is not only a great group of parents to get to know but a support for the school. Please consider coming to contribute with your time, listening and encouragement! Come and connect!


Literacy and Numeracy in the Early Years – Prep and Kindergarten Parents/Carers

A reminder to our current Prep parents and students to pencil-in the evening of Wednesday 13 March. We’ll be holding a School Readiness Evening for children in kindergarten and prep focusing on numeracy and literacy. Registrations will soon be released on Compass.