Mrs Emma Daly
Mrs Emma Daly
Keep an eye out for your child's number goals. Some year levels will be sending them out from next week.
The Preps will be focussed on Structuring Number - understanding how to make and break a different number into parts. For example: 3 = 3+0, 2+1, 1+2, or 0+3.
Grade 1/2s will have counting or structuring number goals
Grade 3/4s will be working on addition and subtraction goals to help build their mental computation strategies.
Grade 5/6 will start the year developing automatic recall of their times table and related division facts.
A reminder that the goals are individualised goals based on assessments of your child's number understanding and skills. We would love families to play an active part in the running of number goals by practising with your child every night. The number goals will be shared on Seesaw or in their reading diaries. The first goal will come out in the next few weeks.
Please keep in mind that we are working on automaticity, or automatic recall of number facts. For your child to move onto their next goal they must have automatic recall of facts, not just be able to work them out.
REMEMBER - Maths dress up day and open classroom will be on Tuesday March 19th!