Mr Derryn Ling 



Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. During the six weeks of Project Compassion, millions of Australians come together in solidarity to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.


This year, Project Compassion brings you the stories of three resilient women from three different corners of the world. You will get to know the stories of Ronita from the Philippines, Leaia from Samoa and Memory from Malawi. This video will be shared with all teachers to share in the classroom. They all face vastly different challenges, but who are united by one dream: to create a better tomorrow for all future generations.


Supporting Project Compassion is a way for us to proclaim the faith that is in our hearts and help our brothers and sisters in need. During Lent, we are invited to take up the call to fast, pray and give alms - in solidarity, and as one human family. Today, we are hoping you can help by making a donation, so that vulnerable communities around the world can forge a path out of poverty. You can make your donation in the collection box located in each classroom.






Confirmation for Grade 6s Sunday 28th April 10:30am 


Reconciliation for Grade 4s Thursday 16th May 2:00pm


First Eucharist for Grade 4s Sunday 11th August 10:30am


Feast of the Assumption Thursday 15th August 9:00am














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