Year Three Team News

with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

It is hard to believe that we only have 3 weeks left of Term 1 – culminating in our traditional Willy Primary Easter Hat Parade! You would have received some raffle tickets to sell to have a chance of winning one of the amazing Easter baskets packed with goodies. Extra tickets are available at the school office if needed.


We are looking forward to our Billy Cart incursion for our Inquiry unit on next Thursday 14th March. The students will be creating their own billy cart, using a variety of tools and materials, and of course will have the opportunity to race them. This will allow them to explore how things move in an exciting and engaging manner. The details are on Compass and you are now able to consent and make payment. Thank you if you have already done so.


NAPLAN – Please ensure that iPads brought from home are fully charged and have downloaded the NAPLAN App. We encourage the students to be well rested and relaxed.

DateGrade 3
Wed 13 March -11:30am Writing (Paper)
Thurs 14 March -Incursion – No NAPLAN
Fri 15 March -9:10am Reading
Mon 18 March -11:30am Conventions of Language
Tues 19 March -9:10am Numeracy
Wed 20 March -11:30am Catch Up
Thurs 21 March -11:30am Catch Up


Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Reading: Learning about features of persuasive texts. Identifying the author's viewpoint and discussing arguments for and against a topic.

Writing: What is the structure of a persuasive text? Plan and write a draft of persuasive writing for a given topic.

Numeracy: Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for computation

Inquiry:  We will continue our ‘How Do Things Move?’ Inquiry unit, reflecting on the Billy Cart Incursion and exploring force, friction, gravity, push & pull.



Literacy:  15-20 minutes of reading daily.  10 minutes of spelling practice related to the SMART spelling focus or personal words.

Numeracy: 10 minutes of revision focusing on concepts taught at school.


Warm regards, 

The Year 3 team – Katja Morris (3M), Carmel Byrne (3D), Rochelle White and Mary Colangelo (3W).