Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter

This term Grade 6 we will be learning about a wide range of mathematical concepts as we take a more project-based approach to our learning. In our major unit, Measurement, students will be learning and making discoveries about length, perimeter, area, volume and shape as they construct a geometric city. Students will also work on their understanding of Place Value through sequenced lessons exploring the Base 10 system and using efficient strategies to solve problems. As what has become routine, students will also work on building their automatic recall of multiplication facts through daily fluency sessions.
This term the Grade 5 and 6 will become familiar with features of a range of text types and be encouraged to choose books that are a good fit for their reading abilities. Together with the teacher, they will set individual reading goals and have the opportunity and support to practise applying specific strategies in their independent and small group reading tasks. They will embark on a unit to analyse and evaluate texts through the use of summarising and questioning to organise their thinking.
During Term One, we will explore traits that writers use to enhance the quality of their writing pieces. With an emphasis on ‘ideas’ and ‘organisation’, students will build their skills in these areas. Students will work on their own ‘discovery drafts’ as well as participate in skill sessions where they will practice applying different traits to their writing. Student work samples will be used to aid in the creation of individualised goals during teacher-student conferencing, and these goals will be monitored and evaluated throughout the term. Our main writing topic is developing a persuasive text in the form a review.
As part of the Inquiry program, students will be exploring historical events that have shaped Australia. They will learn about colonial life and what economic, political and social impacts were made when colonies settled in Australia, as well as the impact colonisation had on First Nation Australians and the natural environment. Year 6 students will explore protective behaviours they can undertake for their own personal health and the initiatives the government employs to address health. Students will also learn how to seek help for issues and potential health issues that may arise.
We are looking forward to enhancing our wellbeing this term with the continuation of The Resilience Project. Students will explore the importance of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through a series of carefully planned and targeted learning experiences.
This term in Japanese the and 6 students will participate in a unit called ‘Hiragana Karate Belts’ where they will revise hiragana (Japanese alphabet) by completing various activities and games that will enable them to practise identifying and saying each hiragana character. When a student can identify and say the first 5 hiragana characters they will move from white belt to yellow belt. Once they can identify and say the next 10 characters they will move to the orange belt and so on. They will continue to move through the belt colours throughout the year. This system allows students to work at their own level, at their own pace, helping to differentiate their learning. Students will continue to read and write Japanese words, phrases and sentences. Students will also develop their speaking and listening skills through Japanese listening tasks with a focus on greetings.
Visual Arts
This term students investigate the tools of drawing, creating artworks using pencils, markers, crayons, and oil pastels. Students will continue to learn about the elements of art – line, shape, and colour. They will make choices about how their artworks will look and will take risks when working with unfamiliar materials and techniques. Students will work towards developing their confidence and artistic skills as they appreciate and value the creations of others.
Physical Education
In Grades 5 PE classes, students further develop their physical abilities through challenging activities and sports. In preparation for inter-school competitions students will learn, practise and master different game specific skills. They refine techniques and strategies whilst developing sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork to best represent Kismet Park against other schools.
Performing Arts
During Term One Performing Arts, Grade Six students will be working on their oral language and public speaking skills when working with scripted plays. Working collaboratively, students will step through the play-building process to devise, rehearse and present characters and storylines. Students will also explore media skills when developing digital backgrounds to accompany their performances when sharing them to an audience.