PCA News
The PCA would like to welcome all staff, students, parents, carers and the whole school community back for 2024. We would like to thank all new members who have put their hands up to be part of the team and those who have popped their hands up for volunteering at some point this year. We are always excited to welcome more new members so if you’d like to be part of a great team that is an integral part of the kismet park community then email kismetparkpca@gmail.com or enquire at the front office.
Upcoming Events for Term 1, 2024
Ice cream day - 26 February: We are welcoming back Kismet Park's Ice cream stall, where every student from every class will be able to purchase an ice cream from our wonderful volunteers.
Tesselaar Bulb Fundraiser: Later this term we will be undertaking amour first Tesselaar bulb fundraiser. So start thinking about what flowers you might like to plant making your garden come alive…
Our Next PCA meeting: Tuesday March 12th at the Ballcourt Sunbury 7pm.
REMEMBER if you’d like to be part of this amazing group of people contact us on kismetparkpca@gmail.comor head to the front office and let us know.