Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 6, Term 1


🌈 Over the next few weeks, we will be continuing to familiarise ourselves with the NAPLAN format in Reading, Writing and Maths. Please assist your child in remembering to bring their iPad to school, fully charged and a set of headphones. 




This week in Reading we will be analysing narrative text structure. We will be using great mentor texts that will support their Writing experience.  


What you can do at home:

We encourage every child to read for a minimum of four nights a week. Please ask your children the problem and resolution of the fictional texts they are reading.  



This week in Writing we will explore sentence structure as we continue to create narratives. Our focus will be building the quality and complexity of our sentence structure, exploring time connectives, conjunctions and adjectives. 


What you can do at home:

Continue to discuss the beginning middle and and of your favourite books and movies. Work together to create sizzling starts they could use their writing at school.



Students will be exploring and comparing the short and long a sounds. They will be sorting long and short a words,  in conjunction with building on their understanding of syllabification. 


What you can do at home:

Choose some interesting words to practice this spelling strategy.



Students will continue to revise various areas of Mathematics to consolidate their understanding of important concepts. 


What you can do at home:

Telling the time is a very important skill for your child to learn. Explore digital and analogue clocks regularly and support them to read the time. You might like to discuss how to calculate the length of time between activities. 



Homework is optional, however we strongly encourage students to read for 20 minutes daily and use Mathletics as a resource to strengthen their Maths skills.


We will be sending Reading Logs home on Monday the 26th February and checking them on Fridays.



Please find below an overview of our specialist classes in 3/4.



  • Wednesday 13th March - Monday 25th March: Grade 3 NAPLAN testing window
  • Tuesday 30th April -Wednesday 1st May: Grade Three Camp - approximate cost is $250
  • Wednesday 27th March - Colour Run 


There are many reports of Covid being active in our community. Please be aware of symptoms if your child is unwell.


Thanks to the many families that have already brought in tissues and wipes. If you have not been able to already, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. 


Please ensure your child brings these items to school every day;

  • Fully charged iPads
  • Please log on to Sentral on a laptop or desktop computer to complete permission for Mosyle Device Management (MDM) to enable your child has access to wifi at school. This will not work through the app on your phone or tablet.
  • Headphones
  • Hats