Religious Education

In F/1/2 the students have been looking at the Human Dignity of a person. In groups, the students created some posters about the Basic Needs of a Human being! It was interesting to see the list they came up with! But once we began to talk about the most important things, they were very sure of what they thought was important!
The F/1/2's have also been learning about Prayer and what that is. They learnt that prayer can be anything and it is a conversation we have with God. They enjoyed experiencing prayer through verbal language, songs, dances, videos, meditation and drawing. Here are some prayers they wrote about their families! They also wrote and reflected on ways they can be loving, caring and kind to others.
St Joseph's Feast Day
The feast is on March 19, but we will be celebrating with mass on Wednesday, March 20 and have some special activities for the students later on in the day.