News from the Deputy Principal


Naplan assessments will begin next Wednesday 13th March for all year 3 and 5 students.

The Assessments and dates are as follows

Wednesday 13th March

Writing 9:30 am for all year 3 and 5 students

Reading 11:50 am for all year 3 & 5 students


Thursday 14th March

Conventions of Language 9:30 am for all year 3 & 5 students


Friday 15th March

Numeracy 9:30 am for all year 3 & 5 students


Please see the Parent Letter below for more information


Upcoming PSG meetings

PSG meetings will be held in week 8 of this term.  Parents whose children fit the criteria for NCCD will be emailed a booking link next week.  Please note, not all students will be having PSG meetings this term.


If you would like to discuss your child's needs further or believe that you will need a PSG meeting this term, please let me know.