Year Six Leader-News

Danica De Boer
| Hi, I am Danica and I will be one of the School Captains this year. For my role, I'm hoping to work with other students and help them follow our school expectations and join in. I would like to try and teach other kids to feel confident to come to school. I am hoping to represent the school at different events and activities to show pride in the St Joseph’s community. I am proud to be a School Captian because in my years here I have been happy and everyone is so nice and amazing. Every single time I come to school it fills me with joy!
I will also be one of the SRC leaders this year as well! I’m hoping to think of ideas to make the school a better place for everyone!
Matthew Van de Paverd | Hi, I am Matthew and I will be one of the School Captains this year. I will also be one of the SRC leaders this year as well!
Lexi Kennedy
| Hi, I am Lexi and I will be the Social Justice and Liturgy Leader this year. For my role, I hope to help more kids at St. Joe's learn about God. You might see me at assemblies and masses helping with prayer time.
I will also be one of the Blue House leaders this year as well! I hope to show lots of kids sports and activities they can do!
Olivia May
| Hi, I am Olivia and I will be the Performing Arts/Visual Arts Leader this year. For my role, I'm hoping to teach others about Visual Arts and performing arts, like possibly sketching and colouring for Visual Arts and musical notes for Performing Arts.
I will also be one of the Red House leaders this year as well! I'm hoping to help little kids learn about the sport we do here and morning fitness.
Eli Beddoes
| Hi, I am Eli and I will be the Fire Carriers Leader this year. For my role, I'm hoping to improve the school's surroundings and environment. You might see me at assemblies and masses helping with the Acknowledgment to Country.
I will also be one of the Blue House leaders this year as well! I’m hoping to support kids when they are in competitions.
Mahli Boland
| Hi, I am Mahli and I will be the PBL Leader this year. For my role, I'm hoping to support other students with friendships at playtime and help kids feel better. You might see me at assemblies presenting awards and giving gotcha prizes.
I will also be one of the Green House leaders this year as well! I’m hoping to support other kids and give my team pep talks and encouragement. I will also be helping to problem solve.
Fynn Staggard
| Hi, I am Fynn and I will be the Sustainability Leader this year. For my role, I'm hoping to grow things in the veggie garden.
I will also be one of the Green House leaders this year as well! I’m hoping to help and include everyone in our sports activities.
Maggie Barr
| Hi, I am Maggie and I will be the K-Zone Leader this year. For my role, I'm hoping to have a club once a week during the colder months where we do fun activities inside. We will have drawing, lego and board games.
I will also be one of the Red House leaders this year as well! I’m hoping to help the younger kids understand the rules of games during Huff and Puff.
Sophie Pye
| Hi, I am Sophie and I will be one of the PBL Leaders this year. For my role, I'm hoping to help kids feel more comfortable and included in our school. I want all kids to feel important to our school! Everyone is a part of this school and I want everyone to know that. I want to support other students when they are having trouble on the playground. I also want to bring fun to school!
I will also be one of the Yellow House leaders this year as well! I’m hoping to bring kids spirits up for sport and have lots of fun! I am hoping to bring my team to victory! I also want to bring everyone together in my team to make new friendships.
Jack Grayling
| Hi, I am Jack and I will be one of the Fire Carriers Leaders this year. For my role, I'm hoping to create an Indigenous space with artwork. I hoping for students to have artwork they would like to display around school! You might see me at assemblies and masses helping with the Acknowledgment to Country.
I will also be one of the Green House leaders this year as well! I’m hoping to get the win again for our sports days at Upper Yarra! I am hoping everyone thinks I am great leader as I want to help everyone get better at sport!
Ryan Uch
| Hi, I am Ryan and I will be the Technology Leader this year. For my role, I'm hoping to learn how to the sound equipment and microphones during assemblies. I am hoping to learn how to set these up independently.
I will also be one of the Yellow House leaders! I am hoping to lead to my team to victory! |