News from Three/Four

Colouring in competition
Well done to grade 3 and 4 winners of the Dr Suess colouring competition - Harry and Maddi!
Footy Visit
Last week 3/4 were lucky enough to have a visit from some real AFL players! The students enjoyed listening to and engaging with the players by asking LOTS of questions!
See Saw
This week grade 3/4 activated our SeeSaw classroom! We tested that all our chromebook cameras were working, taking photos of this weeks work in PBL (Positive Behaviours for Learning). Students were asked to draw and/or write about the ways that they can show respect and responsibility when using the Rainbow Playground and Fort areas. Students are very keen to show off other great learning that is happening in our classroom, so we would like to invite 3/4 parents and carers to join our SeeSaw classroom using the link below!
Online Learning at Home!
Parents may wish to give their students access at home, to some of the learning programs we use in the classroom.
The spelling we use a program called Soundwaves Spelling. Parents can go to and put in our class code these122 This will give students access to online games and activities. If you would like access to printable materials, this can be arranged by contacting Ms Bourke or Mrs Vranken.
In English and Mathematics, students have access to a range of learning programs through Essential Assessment including the learning apps Sunset Maths, Jetpack Algebra and My Spelling as well as individualised activities through My Literacy and My Numeracy. To access these, go to:
Our school code is: SJS3797
Students usernames are: <first initial><surname> (eg. Lisa Bourke’s would be lbourke)
Students have individual passwords. If your child has forgotten their password (they are autosaved on their personal devices at school🙄), please email, or have them ask for it at school.
Lisa Bourke and Katie Vranken