Learning Across the ELC

Our Preschool Life on Earth inquiry has continued to evolve with children investigating their own areas of interest. Some have been making reptiles from recycled materials, others watering our garden and exploring, drawing and printing plants. Some children have been recording observations and data on our visiting frog and hermit crab. We were also privileged to be able to study and touch many different insects, frogs, reptiles and marsupials during our Nature Education incursion. As a group we have been further investigating what living things need, and after noticing that plants, animals and humans all need water to grow and survive, we decided to unpack the water cycle. We then started thinking about if there was no water, what would we drink? We have taken the children on some College walks to First Creek, and whilst walking in the creek bed, children discovered tree roots that had broken through the wall of the creek to get water. We also found lots of nature items, ants, bees and spiders too. The children were horrified to see that some litter had made its way into the creek, helping to pick it up while sharing their concerns that animals might try to eat it if it ended up in the ocean. It is great to watching these Global Citizens in action.
The Preschool Team