Sports Newsletter

State AFL 9’s Football
Congratulations to our boys and girls teams who are competing in the State AFL 9’s Football competition tomorrow at Latrobe University. The students in the boy’s team are Bodhi Baker, Max Mitchell, Jack Seuren, Hudson Oborne, Dusty McCrimmon, Brock Jamieson, Jock Melville, Zaiden Finn, Finley Geary, Brady Hickey, Kade Genua and Alfie Doyle. The students in the girl’s team are Macey Foster, Asha Mahoney, Hemi Babington, Natalie Farquharson, Ruby Hay, Jemma Howat, Scarlett Smith, Asha McNaughton, Regan Smart, Tahlia Kelly, Rose Paul, Ruby Nowell and Poppy Sherman.
Have a great day everyone!!
T-20 Cricket
Good luck to the following girls who will compete in the State T-20 Cricket Championships this Friday, 29th November at the Harry Trott and Ian Johnson Ovals in St Kilda – Alexis Perkins, Macey Foster, Sophie Wheadon, Natalie Farquharson, Ruby Hay, Jemma Howat, Sadie Ritchie, Asha Mahoney and Gemma Parker. The girls will need to wear their sports uniform and school hat. They will also need to bring along their snacks, lunch and water bottle.
The bus will leave the Sacred Heart Gym Carpark at 7:10am and return at 5:00pm.
(Please complete Permission details on PAM for your child)
Foundation - 5 Activity Day
Last Friday was the Foundation – Year 5 Activity Day. Each year level travelled to a different school.
A big thank you to our Year 6 students who led the sporting activities for all the Year 5 students at Sacred Heart. We were given lots of feedback about the great leadership skills of our Year 6 students.
A big thank you to the teachers and parents who assisted on this day (in very hot conditions!).
St Mary’s Summer Sport
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we never got the chance to play against St Mary’s Primary School in the Winter Sport Competition. Therefore we have decided to get together this Friday 29th November to have a sports session between recess and lunch time. The sports offered to our Year 5 and 6 students are Cricket, T-Ball, Hot Shots Tennis, Soccer, Volleyball. Students will travel by bus to this event. Students will need to wear their sports uniform and school hat and bring along their water bottle. Students need to please apply sunscreen before they leave home. The buses will leave Sacred Heart at 11.45am and return at 1:30pm. Students may still have a lunch order.
(Please complete Permission details on PAM for your child)
Year 5 and 6 Swimming
Our students in Year 5 and 6 will attend swimming lessons at Bluewater from Monday 9th December – Friday 13th December. Swimming is part of the school curriculum, so it is important that all the students support this program. We do need parents to assist with walking the students to and from Bluewater.
(More information will be sent out via PAM closer to the event, where you can also indicate if you can help out please)
Important Dates
State AFL 9’s Football – Wednesday 27th November (Latrobe University, Bundoora)
State Girls Cricket – Friday 29th November (St Kilda)
St Mary’s Summer Sport – Friday 29th November (St Mary’s)
Year 5/6 Swimming at Bluewater – Monday 9th – Friday 13th December
Sports Stars of the Week
Name: Oliver Edmonds (Yr 6LG)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are soccer, golf and motorcross.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is motorcross.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Motorcross is my favourite sport because I love the jumps.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I jumped really high in motorcross.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in motorcross is that I am good at overtaking and I can go really fast on my motor bike.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sports because it is fun and I get to meet new people.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? Daniel Riccardo is my favourite sports person.
8. Why are they your favourite? Riccardo is my favourite sports person because he is a really good Formula One driver.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is Real Madrid (soccer).
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? Coaches and teammates would describe me as a friendly person, who tries very hard.
Name: Zac Peters (Yr 5JT)
1. What sports do you play? The sport I play is football.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is football.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Football is my favourite sport because I love the game and it is fun.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I got the winning goal in football.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my training ability. I like to practise and train for my sport.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because I like to keep active and it is fun.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is Lionel Messi.
8. Why are they your favourite? Messi is my favourite player because he is a great soccer player and he is good at scoring goals.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is Essendon.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am a good team mate and I never give up.
Name: Lillian Walsh (Yr 4DC)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are netball, tennis and dance.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is tennis.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Tennis is my favourite sport because I am really good at it.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I won a trophy at dance for being good at it.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my running, dodging and throwing skills.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because I love playing with my friends and I love playing outside.
7. Who is your favourite sports people? My favourite sports people are footballer Isaac Quaynor from Collingwood and tennis star Jannik Sinner who was the winner of the Australian Open.
8. Why are they your favourites? Quaynor and Sinner are my favourite players because they play for my favourite team and country.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is Collingwood.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am fast, a good goalie in netball and a good defender too.
Name: Hemi Genua (Yr 3KM)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are football, soccer, basketball and swimming.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is football.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Football is my favourite sport because it is fun to play and I get to be with my friends.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I won a medal playing football.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strength in sport is my speed. I can run very fast.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because I get to see my friends and we can play together.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is Nate Jamieson.
8. Why are they your favourite? Nate is my favourite player because he is very good at sport.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the Los Angeles Lakes basketball team.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am very good at sport.
Thanks Nicole Lynch