Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,
ADVENT will begin this coming Sunday. The preparation for the coming of Christ into the world on December 25th. Advent then should be a time of reflection for us all, how best should I prepare my home, my heart for the arrival of the saviour of the world? I think this is why God came into the world as an innocent, defenseless baby. How do we prepare for the coming of a baby? Sure there are a few things to buy or borrow, some cleaning up to do but we need a peaceful and loving SPACE for them. Imagine if we can prepare just that and prepare it for each other at this busy time in this busy world, a peaceful and loving space.
CHRIS KINDLE OR KRIS KRINGLE - WHICH IS IT? Well both are acceptable actually. Both Chris Kindle and Kris Kringle are corruptions of the original name of the Austrian gift-bringer Christkindl, which means the "Christ Child".
As a practical way of the children preparing themselves for Christmas (see above) each class in our school will organise a Chris Kindle/Kris Kringle program where each child will draw a classmate’s name from a hat and they are asked to find a way to go out of their way to be especially nice to that child between now and the end of the school year. Parents are encouraged to ask their child about their secret friend and prompt them to find ways to show some small kindness to this child each day.
The children should then bring a small gift for this child ( $5 value) to be placed under the class Christmas tree to be opened together towards the end of the year. Please wrap the gift and label it with Merry Christmas to ….. (insert child’s name) from K.K.
GRADUATION Our Grade 6 class is preparing to Graduate from primary school and continue their educational journeys in secondary school in 2025.
Parents and carers should please note that the Graduation Ceremony will be held at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 12th at the Jubilee Centre at Trinity College.
TRANSITION DAY Our teachers work very hard helping to put together our class groups for the following year. The children are all surveyed about who they would like to be in a class with and we ensure that every student is with at least one of their first three choices, while for other students a break from one another can be good for both parties as well.
Our students will once again all have the chance to spend time with their class for next year. We will be doing this on Tuesday, December 10th. On this day our 2025 Foundation students will join us and our current Year 6 students will spend the day in their chosen secondary school.
Please note classes for 2025 will be announced on this day and are final. Putting classes together is incredibly complex and we always do our best to balance any and all competing needs, including the children’s own requests for which friends they might like to be in their class. If parents have any concerns that they need to let us know about, now is the time.
SOME EARLY NOTICE The last day for our students this year will be Wednesday, December 18th, exiting school at 3:15pm.
The start of the new school year will begin for our teachers on Tuesday, January 28th with training and preparation. The children will begin class on Wednesday, January 29th. Please note, Wednesday the 29th will be the first day for our new Foundation students as well. Foundation students will attend school until 1:00pm for this first week and a half.
Jack Lenaghan - Principal