
Kaye Gregory

Reading Challenge

In this year's Reading Challenge, a total of 3,422 books were read, and 75 children successfully met the requirements of the Reading Challenge. The children received their certificates this week and all are to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.


A special congratulations goes to the following students, listed below, who went above and beyond the minimum requirements of 15 books for Year 3-6 students and 30 books for Prep - Year 2 students.


The following students read 100+ books: 

Ariana (Prep A), Devlin (4F), Arthur  (5I), Pahanya  (6J), Declan (2C).


The following students read between 50 - 99 books:

Leya (1C), Jayden R (1E), Natalie (4H), Jayden P (2C), Janessa (2D), Anthony (4H), Israel (4H), Olive (1C), Alisha (2E), Calinda (4H).


Click on the link below to see the names of all the students who completed this year's Reading Challenge.


Borrowing has now finished for the 2024 school year. Please ensure that ALL library books are returned to school by tomorrow Friday 29th November or by Monday 2nd December if you require the weekend to locate the books.

Please assist your child/ren to gather together any library books that are at home to return to school.  It is important that these books are returned on time so that the end of the year library tasks can commence. 


The book/s can be placed in the class library box or returned directly to the library. Children can then take their library bags home for safe keeping until next year.


Thank you in advance for your co-operation.


Kaye Gregory

Teacher Librarian