Health and Wellbeing 

This term in Health and Wellbeing the Year Fives have been designing and creating a board game that promotes the five elements of health to their Foundation buddies. The five elements of health are:

  •  exercise
  •  diet
  •  hygiene
  •  mental health
  •  rest

All Year Five teams worked hard to create unique and engaging games that incorporate positive health messages.


IslaEdie and Mia in 5EW created a drawing game called “Healthinary” where their buddies, SavannahElisa and Lucy from FLH, have to draw and guess different ways to stay healthy.


Aria and Jude in 5LR created used a classic board game design to create “Healthy Go” for their buddies Alfie and Milla in FSH. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their game piece around the board. They land on different coloured tiles representing the five elements of health. The player reads out the the health message on the tile and if they have done that healthy thing then they get a matching coloured token. The player at the end with the most tokens is the winner.


EllaAlmira and Astrid from 5AJ created a ‘guess who’ style game for their Foundation buddies MirandaFreddie in FAM and Penelope in FMV. Players take turns guessing the health worker or health object based on the five elements of health. 


Astin and Sam (with Mike) from 5AJ created a healthy card matching game for their buddy Mikail in FAM. Players take turns matching different healthy objects to collect a pair from each of the five elements of health.


Craig Mather and Rhys McIntosh

Health and Wellbeing Teachers

Craig Mather, Health and Wellbeing Teacher
Craig Mather, Health and Wellbeing Teacher




Rhys McIntosh, Health and Wellbeing Teacher
Rhys McIntosh, Health and Wellbeing Teacher