The Fathering Project
The Fathering Project
We all have different important people in our lives. The information below targets children and their fathers however we recognise that every family is different.
We are working with the Fathering Project. The Fathering Project is one of the few organisations in Australia using evidence-based programs and resources to help Dads and father figures to build their parenting knowledge, skills and confidence.
Research from Australia and overseas demonstrates that children with disengaged fathers experience poorer educational outcomes and higher rates of mental illness. Conversely, children with engaged and effective fathers have improved cognitive and academic outcomes, higher levels of empathy, self-control and self-esteem and better social and emotional skills.
Current research shows that targeted and universal interventions aimed at promoting positive parenting behaviours and fathers’, father figures engagement increased involvement, significantly improve child outcomes, and prevent harmful and anti-social behaviours.
The Fathering Project recognises the importance of school partnerships with families and research clearly shows that by specifically targeting fathers and father figures, schools will see significant additional benefits for the children and the whole-school community.
Why the focus on fathers in school? Australia is in an era of great change, where there is increased family diversity, increase in mother’s employment and a focus on equality in parenting. Research is highlighting the importance of fathers, as well as mothers’ partnerships with their children’s schools. However, we still see that on average, school family engagement is largely seen as a mother’s domain, particularly in two parent families.
With an average of only 18% engagement of fathers involved in the school and family partnership activity, The Fathering Project recognises the need to work with schools to increase the numbers of fathers and father figures involved in their child’s education.
The Fathering Project goal is to support all parents, carers, and schools, in working together as a team to optimise the education and wellbeing of children.
Term 4 focus We are encouraging fathers and father figures to do some fun activities with their child/children and be happy to share what was done in our newsletter later this term. Take a photo, write a short blurb about the activity and how it made you feel.
Please email photos and comments no later than the end of November.
Below are some ideas of activities that can apply to all/any role models in your child’s life.
We look forward to seeing the fun activities.
For more information refer to