What's Happening in our Classrooms

What’s Happening in Prep: Weeks 9, 10 and 11
What’s been happening
WOW. What a busy few weeks the Preps have had! Between swimming and concert practise, the Prep teachers are so proud of all the students' patience and hard work. As we reflect on our learning for the year, we want to say a big thank you to the parents for their support. We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are looking forward to seeing you around the school in 2025 for a laugh and a chat.
What will be happening over the next fortnight
- Preparing ourselves for Year 1.
- Learning to be resilient and have a growth mindset in times of change.
- Revising all learnt sounds.
- Decoding words and blending to read smoothly.
- Writing sentences correctly, using an adjective.
- Celebrating our achievements.
- Understanding the place value of numbers.
- Partitioning and subitising numbers.
- Sharing fairly.
- Learning how to read the time to the hour
Big Question: How do we keep our bodies healthy and safe?
Over the next fortnight, students will be exploring the following lines of inquiry:
- How can we keep ourselves safe at home, at school, at the beach or in the community?
- Who are the experts in our community that can help us stay healthy and safe?
- How can we contact the community helpers who can keep us healthy and safe?
Continue looking through Decoding Detective and Word Wizard book as well as take home readers. Students are encouraged to participate in daily reading. Students are encouraged to reread the readers they take home over the week, to support the building of reading fluency.
Optional: Mathletics and exploring the Prep-2 homework rubric located inside the students reading pouch.
- Year 6 Market Stall – Friday 6th December
- Meet the Teacher (2025) - Tuesday 10th December
- Prep Christmas Lunch – Wednesday 11th December
- Christmas Carols – Wednesday 11th December
- Crazy Hair Day – Wednesday 18th December
- Last Day of School – Thursday 19th December 3.30pm dismissal
Year 1
What’s Happening in Year 1: Weeks 9, 10 & 11
What’s been happening
The Year 1s have had a fantastic fortnight and have been extremely busy working on their personal strength stories in Health. We absolutely loved having our families in so we could share them and also our portfolios with all of the hard work we have done across the year. We are looking forward to publishing our good copies, recording ourselves reading them and sharing the final product with you. In Maths, we have been working on 3D shapes and understanding their properties. We are now experts in building 3D shapes! We are super excited to perform our Christmas songs for you at the Carols night next Wednesday.
What will be happening over the next week in Year 1
- Students will identify their personal strengths
- Students will understand the difference between strengths and qualities
- Students will begin planning and writing their personal narrative that celebrates and ultilises their personal strengths and qualities to solve a problem
Literacy encompasses spelling, reading and writing. The following few weeks students will be focusing on:
Spelling: Students will be undertaking a revision of all of the vowel teams we have learned this year. We are excited to see what we remember and lock it into our long term memory.
Writing: Students will be editing and publishing their personal strength stories. They will use an app on the iPad to create a digital version and then record themselves reading each page. We can’t wait to see the final product.
Reading: Students will continue to practice their reading, by reading texts that are based on our spelling focus for the week. This includes echo reading, choral reading, cloze reading and partner reading.
Year 1 students will be revising what we have learnt about place value. We will be looking at three digit numbers, ordering them, expanding or stretching them out and understanding the value of each digit. For example, 256 is 200 + 50 + 6 = 256. This will mean we are ready to go for the start of Year 2!
During Health, we will continue to look at what makes us unique. We will learn the difference between personal strengths and qualities and then identify some of these in each other. Next, we will explore character strengths and qualities in some of our favourite picture story books and how they helped the character throughout the story. The students have also been focusing on being ‘Bucket Fillers’ after reading the story ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ This involves writing notes of kindness to their peers celebrating their strengths and how that makes our class a better place to be.
Keep practicing spelling and reading the memory words that were sent home.
The students have been looking at time in the classroom, it would be great if students could practice this more at home!
Keep reading every day!
Mathletics passwords are in the front of reading journals. Students can practice what we have been learning in class
Additionally, students can choose a homework activity from the Prep - Year 2 homework rubric.
Year 2
What’s Happening in Year 2: Weeks 9, 10 & 11
What will be happening over the last three weeks in Year 2
Over the last three weeks of the term, the Year 2 cohort will continue learning and growing both as a cohort and as individuals. Students and teachers will enjoy spending time with one another in their classrooms, continuing our learning program as well as completing some fun end of year activities. The Year 2 teachers are looking forward to sharing many more positive experiences with their students as the year comes to an end.
Over the next three weeks students will continue to reflect on their achievements from the year. Students will also practice the wellbeing strategies they have learnt about throughout their Health and Wellbeing Inquiry unit this term.
Students will be exploring rhythm, sound, patterns and rhyme in poems.
The Year 2 students will be working a poetry unit along with a year’s reflection which will make its way into their portfolios.
Over the next three weeks, students will be sharing their knowledge surrounding number and algebra.
Reading Nights Pizza Party- Friday 6th December
Meet the teacher- Tuesday 10th December
Christmas Carols- Wednesday 11th December
Year 2 celebration lunch- Tuesday 17th December
On the 17th of December, students will celebrate their incredible year that they have had with a special lunch. A Compass event has been published on Compass. If your child wishes to participate in this lunch please ensure you have given consent and paid for your child to participate. Students will have the option between receiving a nugget and chip pack or a fish and chip pack. If your child wishes to participate in the lunch, please fill out a Microsoft form with your child’s lunch preference.
Link to form here : https://forms.office.com/r/fiqJuVk2V9
Please complete this form before the 10th of December.
Year 3
What’s Happening in Year 3: Term 4 Week 9, 10 & 11
What’s been happening in Year 3
Hello from the Year 3 Team!
It is difficult to believe but this is the final ‘What’s Happening’ from Year 3 for 2024. The students are enthusiastically practicing their songs for the whole school carols evening as well as starting to participate in other end of year celebrations. They have also been thinking about transitioning to Year 4. The two stand out differences most asked about regarding next year are owning their own computers as well as the Year 4 camp.
The Year 3 teachers would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents and carers of our Year 3 community for their support and kindness throughout the year, and would also like to wish you and your families a safe and happy festive season. Merry Christmas!
What will be happening over the next two weeks in Year 3
- Our wellbeing focus will be ensuring a smooth and easy transition process for 2025.
- We will be discussing how friendships can be maintained as well as how new friendships can be forged.
- We are continuing to read our class novel ‘The One and Only Ivan’. Our class discussions and conversations have continued to evoke interesting and thoughtful discussions in our classrooms.
- We will be continuing to assess and evaluate student progress that will inform teachers of student progress made in all areas of literacy.
- We will be focusing on editing completed written pieces. This includes adding additional sentences and words that will improve a piece.
- We have dedicated handwriting time where the students are explicitly taught correct letter formation. It is particularly exciting learning how the different letters join when writing in cursive.
- We will be revising the four operations over the next few weeks.
- Students will be completing assessments and evaluations that will inform teachers of student progress made this semester in all areas of mathematics.
- Students will continue to be encouraged to learn and recite their times tables.
Inquiry Science
Big Question:
How does heat help us understand and explore the changes in materials?
Students will be completing simple science experiments during inquiry sessions. We will discover how to write a scientific report as experiments are conducted.
Students are asked to continue to read every night and to complete Mathletics tasks set by classroom teachers. Students have some optional activities to complete from the Homework Grid in their homework books.
The Year 3 cohort will all be receiving a pizza lunch to celebrate their improved reading habits in 2024.
December 11th is the Christmas Carols Evening that will be held 5:00pm to 6:00pm at the school.
December 19th is the students last day of school for 2024.
Year 4
What’s Happening in Year 4: Term 4 Week 9, 10 & 11
What will be happening for Weeks 9, 10 and 11
Students in Year 4 are enjoying the Bike Education Program. We have been practicing our songs for the Christmas Carols which are fast approaching. We have many talented singers and drummers in Year 4!
Students will be listening to the ‘Grow your Mind’ podcast and completing the activities.
We will be doing whole class reading and building on student’s vocabulary. We will be focusing on building fluency through a range of whole, paired and independent activities. For Book Club this week the groups will be meeting to discuss the final chapters of their book.
Students have been writing a persuasive paragraph to convince their audience to visit their country. They are writing descriptions for each of the features of their country, including geographical features, animals, adaptations, food and climate. Students will be doing a ‘Minties’ writing lesson, and yes, it involves Minties lollies. Students will be using the wrapper to motivate them to write a descriptive paragraph.
Students have been designing a map for their own country. The map needs to include all of the features they have been learning about (BOLTS). They will be describing where certain landmarks and geographical features are on their map.
Big Question: How does where we live affect how we live?
We will be exploring:
- How are the continents of Australia, Africa and South America similar and different?
- What are the geographical features and cultural practices that make these places unique?
- How do people and animals in different climate zones adapt to their environments?
- How can people use the natural resources available in a sustainable way?
- What features might attract tourism to a certain place?
Students have been busily working on their projects. They have been creating a country that is part of one of the continents we have researched. The Year 4 teachers have been so impressed with the high level of commitment they are showing to their projects. The students have been engaged and loving the opportunity to be creative and demonstrate their maths and literacy skills into their project.
Homework consists of 20 minutes reading a night, 3- 4 Mathletics tasks to reinforce the concepts being taught at school, and an optional choice board of activities to be completed at your family’s discretion. Diaries will be collected every Friday. Students may take work home to complete, that was unfished during class time.
Bike Education: Monday 2nd December – Thursday 5th December
Year 6 Market (9-10:30am)- Friday 6th December
Reading Nights Pizza Party - Friday 6th December
Meet the 2025 Teacher- Tuesday 10th December
Christmas Carols- Wednesday 11th December
Semester Two Reports Available on Compass- Tuesday 17th December
JSC Crazy Hair Dress up Day- Wednesday 18th December
Year 4 Celebration Lunch- Wednesday 18th December
Last Day of Term 4 (Assembly 9:15am & 3:30pm dismissal) Thursday 19th December
Year 5
What’s Happening in Year 5: Term 4 Week 9, 10, 11
What will be happening in Weeks 9, 10 & 11 in Year 5
The Year 5 students have a busy final few weeks ahead. On Wednesday 4th December the students who applied for the role of School Captain will deliver their speeches. Leadership applications letters are also due on this day. Pizza Party is on Friday.
Week 10 is a busy week with the Smoothie Day on Monday, Meet the Teacher Day on Tuesday and Gingerbread House decorations on Thursday. If you are available to assist with the Smoothie Day please contact your child’s classroom teacher. Wednesday night is the BPS Christmas Carols.
Week 11 begins with the Bike Hike, sign ups are still welcomed. Please see the event notice for details. Thursday 19th December is the students last day of 2024. The leadership roles will be handed over from the current leaders to the successful applicants for the 2025 leadership positions at the end of year assembly.
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope everyone has a lovely holiday break.
The Year 5 Team
- Students will work on resilience, respect, relationships and responsibility.
- Students will practise reading fluency (accuracy, rate, prosody) through repeated oral strategies and information texts related to the Can you See Me? novel study and Health inquiry unit
- Students will read and respond to queries from our class novel ‘Can You See Me?’
- Students will use and understand new words from the class novel
- Students will generate sentence stems containing a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb (however, therefore)
- Students will join sentences using connectives to link arguments, evidence and reasons
- Students will write simple, compound and complex sentences
- Students will plan publish a persuasive letter
- Students will research facts to support their arguments of a chosen topic
- Students will follow the writing process to write a persuasive text
- Students will find unknown values in numerical equations involving multiplication and division using the properties of numbers and operations
- Students will recognise and use rules that generate visually growing patterns and number patterns involving rational numbers
- Students will design and use algorithms involving a sequence of steps and decisions that use rules to generate sets of numbers; identify, interpret and explain emerging patterns
- Students will make connections between fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Students will calculate percentage amounts
- Identify changes associated with puberty
- Explore what it means to be physically, socially and emotionally healthy
- Investigate strategies to establish and manage relationships
- Explore and celebrate how cultures differ in behaviours, beliefs and values
- What are some preventative health strategies that promote health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their communities?
- How does the media influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours?
- How do members of the community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours?
Please refer to the Year 5&6 Homework Rubric
Students are expected to be reading every night and completing assigned Mathletics activities over the fortnight.
4th December School Captain Speeches
6th December Year 6 Market Day and Pizza Party
9th December Smoothie Day
10th December Meet the Teacher 2025
11th December Christmas Carols
12th December Gingerbread House Christmas Activity
16th December Bike Hike
19th December Students Last Day 2024
Year 6
What’s Happening in Year 6: Week 9, 10, 11
What’s been happening in Year 6
Students will be relieved that many of the assessments of the past few weeks are now over and, as always, we are proud of the efforts of all students. The classrooms have been alive with the wheeling and dealing of busy entrepreneurs: planning, creating and calculating their first foray into the business world in preparation for Market Day. Memory books are well underway, and the students are looking forward to sharing these with you at graduation.
What will be happening in Year 6
Students are busily preparing for the Market Day this Friday – the budding entrepreneurs are putting the finishing touches to their marketing campaigns and product production will no doubt begin in earnest if not already begun! Graduation, Christmas Carols and the Beach Day Celebration are all still ahead of us over the coming weeks and we look forward to spending these special times with the students over their last few weeks of primary school.
- Term 4 is always a busy time. We ask that students use their diaries to be aware of specifics around events that are upcoming. This is also a great way to take on self-responsibility in preparation for Year 7.
- Students are reflecting on their primary years by completing their Memory Books. The books comprise photos, written reflections and work samples from each year level and will be a lovely memento of their schooling so far. Memory Books will be on display for families to view on Graduation evening.
- Students are working on a Maths project incorporating many elements of the Maths curriculum.
Business & Economics
- Students are running their Market Day on Friday 6 December from 9:00 – 10:30am.
Market Day – Friday 6 December
Reading Nights Pizza Party – Friday 6 December
Christmas Carols - Wednesday 11 December
Graduation – Monday 16 December (students to arrive at 5.15 pm, families arrive at 6.15 pm)
Beach Day Celebration - Tuesday 17 December