What's On in 1/2

Public Speaking At Rangeview Primary School
On Tuesday 12th November students at Whitehorse were involved in the Inter School Public Speaking Competition. All students in grades 1 and 2 were involved in writing a speech on the topic ‘If I Could Have A Superpower…….’ Then one person was chosen to represent our school. Each year level had a different topic. These are the students that were chosen to represent their year level.
Foundation- Sammy T
Grade 1 / 2 - Gwen R
Grade 3 / 4 - Moli L
Grade 5 / 6- Dhruv B
Gwen was a champion who showed courage, strength, determination and delivered her speech with confidence and poise. She was amazing and all the Level 1/2 students were so proud of her! Well Done Gwen!!!
Literacy - Remembrance Day
On the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour -we stopped to remember our soldiers and those who fought in World War 1 with the rest of the country. Remembrance Day is always really special and important for us to stop and reflect. Students were really interested to listen to stories and discuss what happened during war time. They really wanted to write about it even though we hardly had time. But they came up with these great poems in just a short time and so we thought you may like to have a read.
The Brave Soldier
By Selina
Soldiers suffer and remember their loved ones.
Their courage was extraordinary.
They try their best to keep the world and family safe.
Soldiers missing their families a lot.
Trying to make everything feel right.
Respecting Soldiers
By Aubrey
We remember the soldiers who sacrificed their lives.
We respect the soldiers who kept us safe.
The only things left are poppies and graves.
Missiles launched and guns fired
Leaving families behind.
End the Death War
By Rayaan
As dawn arrived and the charcoal ash filled the blue sky.
The war died and poppies came alive.
Boats and planes slowly arrived into shores
Filled with our brave soldiers.
Sacrificed Our Life For Our Country
By Zachary
The night sky rises
Soldiers still fighting
Long bullets fly through the sky
Take Cover! Run!
Into a fort, into a house or under a shed.
Poppies grow in the battlefields
As the war comes to an end.
So many soldiers sacrificed their lives for our country.
So, every year at 11/11 at 11 am we remember
Crumble, crumble!
Remembrance Day
By Lucas
Boom! Crash! Pow!
Remembrance Day is a day about remembering soldiers
Soldiers that faced life threatening attacks
To help protect our country.
On Remembrance Day we wear a poppy
As they were the first flower to grow in the battle fields after world war one ended in 1917.
Protect and Remember
By Charlotte
Soldiers scattering in every direction
Freeing us from power hungry hands
You can smell hope in the air
That’s why we should remember War!
It is not cute or cuddly
It is firm and expressionless.
We need to remember and remember hard!
By Kristy
We need to remember and respect.
Soldiers were starving, hiding and fighting
They were scared, some hurt, some dead and some alive.
Their courage was amazing
No matter what we remember always.
In week 6 the grades 1/2s were fortunate to be able to visit the kitchen once again. Due to the senior school swimming it created space for our junior kids to visit and start cooking. Students always love going to the kitchen. Thank you to those parents and grandparents who always come along and help out. Couldn’t do it without your help! So thank you!
These last few weeks students have been learning a lot about time related to analogue and digital time. Looking at o’clock, half past (Gr 1) quarter to and quarter past (Gr 2). They have also looked at calendars and days, seasons and months of the year. We recommend a great app - ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?’(cost: $2) to keep practising telling the time. It would b e great if they can go over this at home. The app is called ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ We have also been really busy doing Maths assessments and it’s been really nice to see the growth that the students have made.