Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Visual Arts - Logan FB Logan showed great enthusiasm and focus while making his textile monster in Art. He took great pride in his work and exemplifies the school expectation of “Be a Learner”. Congratulations Logan!
Chinese - Matewos 6B For your improved behaviour and good work. I was so impressed with your memory of parts of the face in Chinese. You demonstrated our school's value of being a learner. Also, I can see you have a better control of your class behaviour. Well done and Keep up the good work!!
LLI (Year 3 & Year 4) - Thao 4B I am so impressed with how you have been reading & taking in all that you read! You should be so proud of your efforts & now you need to go spot all the monotremes in the wild! You are an awesome learner Thao!
LLI (Year 1) - Iang 1A You should feel very proud of the level of effort and focus that you are applying to the learning tasks in L.L.I. Keep up the great work.
6B - Aadi is an independent learner who consistently challenges himself and takes great pride in his work. His dedication to self-improvement and his strong work ethic are truly commendable. He embraces new challenges with enthusiasm and continuously strives for excellence in everything he does.
6C - Tyson has demonstrated exceptional skill in coding multiple Scratch games and has been a valuable resource for helping others during Digital Technology sessions. His determination and resilience are truly impressive, consistently tackling challenges with a positive attitude and a strong work ethic.
5A - All of 5A - for just being the best!!!
5B – Ari for showing pride in his work and giving everything a go. 5B voted for you today because of the respect and kindness you showed the CRT this week. Well done, keep up the great work Ari.
4A - Rose for consistently demonstrating positive, respectful and collaborative behaviours that support her classmates. Well done Rose!
Emelia for consistently demonstrating positive, respectful and cooperative behaviours that support her classmates. Well done Emelia!
4B - Bhagwant for demonstrating our school value of Pride. You have presented your Inquiry work with great thought and creativity. You have set an excellent standard for others around you and you should be proud. Keep up the great work!
4C - Nela for consistently demonstrating Integrity and Respect in his work and his interactions with others. He always makes positive choices and sets an example for others to follow suit. Fantastic work, Nela!
3A - Joseph for displaying confidence and pride when presenting his ‘proposed law’ presentation in front of the class. Well done, Joseph!
3B - Leanna for exemplifying the expected behaviour of 'Be a Learner' in Maths this week. You have put in incredible effort when learning about addition and have been encouraging your peers to do the same. Keep it up, Leanna!
3C - Khenrab for being a collaborative and cooperative class member. He never hesitates to offer his assistance to support his peers and teachers. Keep up the fantastic work, Khenrab!
2B - Dilshaan for his excellent oral presentation on the importance of not littering. He demonstrated pride in his work, speaking clearly, with the appropriate pace and volume and was well-rehearsed.
2C - Kyvaan for his outstanding job presenting his writing to the class this week. He used great expression, speaking with enthusiasm and confidence. Great job, Kyvaan!
1A - Arya for being a learner by listening to instructions and teaching her peers what movements come next for our school concert dance. Well done Arya, keep it up!
1B - Kyrie has been recognised as Student of the Week for his exceptional kindness, resilience, and dedication to learning. Whether it's offering a helping hand to classmates in need, not giving up when completing challenging tasks, or showing an eagerness to improve every day, Kyrie displays the qualities of a true learner. Well done Kyrie!
FA - Jazz for demonstrating Pride in his work by trying his best with adding detail to his pictures in writing. Well done!
FB - Jiya for demonstrating resilience. She practised using learnt strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. Jiya confidently drew a picture and crossed out an amount to show her understanding of ‘take away’. Well done Jiya!
Highlighted Students
Lower primary:
2C - Kyvaan for his outstanding job presenting his writing to the class this week. He used great expression, speaking with enthusiasm and confidence. Great job, Kyvaan!
Upper primary:
LLI (Year 3 & Year 4) - Thao 4B I am so impressed with how you have been reading & taking in all that you read! You should be so proud of your efforts & now you need to go spot all the monotremes in the wild! You are an awesome learner Thao!