Assistant Principal Reports

 Deanne Scott/Spira Antonopoulos 

Hello Everyone,



We have recently had some students riding, and wanting to ride, an e-scooter to school. Unfortunately, e-scooters are not allowed to be ridden to school by students due to the age limit to legally ride them. 

There are rules for legally riding e-scooters in Victoria. 

Legal e-scooter use - 

You can legally ride an e-scooter in Victoria if you:

  • ride on:

shared-use paths (not on footpaths), or

roads that have a speed limit up to 60km/h

  • are at least 16 years old
  • wear a helmet
  • do not travel more than 20km/h
  • do not use your mobile phone
  • do not carry a passenger (dinking).


Emergency Drill

On Tuesday, we practised our Shelter in Place drill. We evacuated the whole school into the gym. 

Well done to students for walking calmly. We do need to practise walking a little more quickly and paying attention to where we are walking, to make it more efficient and safer.

We practise emergency drills to help staff and students to build familiarity with emergency response procedures. It also gives us opportunities to identify any areas that may need to be changed or refined, that evacuation locations and pathways are practical and workable in different emergency scenarios, and that safety will be maintained throughout the response procedure.


Pride and Integrity Raffle 

This raffle, to recognize all of the students who are attending school on time, will continue this year.   This is to acknowledge the students demonstrating Pride and Integrity by being ready to learn each day.

Every student who is at school, and in their classroom, before the bell (9am) will have their name added to the class attendance box. So, if they are present on time, every day of the week, they will have 5 entries into the raffle. 


Last week’s class winners were: 

FB – Jina, 1A – Rosa, 2C – Thahira, 3A – Tyler, 3C – Audrey, 4B – Dillan, 4C – Abigail, 5A – Naiomie, 5B – Tha Tha


The raffle winner was Tyler from 3A! Congratulations! 

Tyler received 15 PACs for Pride & Integrity


2024 Term 4 Challenge of the Week

Creative Thinking Challenges

This term, the challenge will be a variety of tasks that require you to think as broadly as you can. The more weird and wonderful, the better! You may need to draw designs and/or write words to answer the challenge.


You must collaborate with 1 -3 friends or family members (no more than 4 people per entry).


Two students collaborated for week 7’s Challenge and earnt 2 PACs each. 

They were:


Yawer 4B (& mum & baba) 

Riley FB (& Ms Huyen)


There was no challenge in Week 8.


Week 9’s Challenge – this is the final challenge for 2025!

Design/brainstorm and label the world’s most amazing, clever and fun personal watercraft.



Please hand your answers to the office before 3.30pm on Wednesday 11th December.


Kind regards,








Deanne Scott

Assistant Principal 













Spira Antonopoulos

Acting Assistant Principal