Principal's Report
Senka King
Principal's Report
Senka King
End of Year Reports
Congratulations to all the students who have done so well on the end of year assessments. It is fantastic to see the wonderful results many students have achieved in Reading and Maths. I am sure that parents will be very excited to see their children’s reports at the end of the year.
Please remember that reports will be available Via Compass on Monday 16th December. There are no parent/teacher meetings at the end of the year, but should you wish to speak with a teacher, please contact them to make a time.
Art Show
A huge thank you to Ms. Reid, our Visual Arts teacher who coordinated the display of our students work last weekend in Essendon. Thank you also to Ms. Miller and Ms. Reid’s family who helped with the setting up.
It was lovely to attend the art show and bump into Aleksandra who proudly wore her uniform on the day. It was also wonderful to hear all the comments from visitors admiring the artwork and praising the creativity and skill of our students.
Please see photo attached showing some of the seating in our sensory area. This work is progressing well, and they will be adding plants shortly. I am hoping that part of the area will be opened up in time for the concert on Friday.
School Savings Bonus
It is good to hear that many of you have received your email and link to the bonus. Do not worry if you have more than one child and you are still waiting, as they are being sent out in batches. If it is not in your inbox, you can check your spam/junk mail.
It is good to nominate how much you want to allocate towards uniforms and then the rest will come to the school for use for camps and excursions. If you need any help, please come to the office.
Reminders for End of Year:
Please keep checking the rest of the newsletter for additional information.
Ms. Scott has an important notice about e-scooters and check the calendar to keep up to date with what is happening for the rest of the year:
Year 6 Students
As always, the Year 6 students are provided with an ‘an avenue of honour’ walk out of the school starting at 1:15pm. Please use the side gates to enter the school.
Breakfast Club
Please note that Breakfast Club will only operate for Monday and Tuesday in the last week of term as the last two days will be needed for cleaning and packing up. Thank you to Ms Miller, Ms Rita and all the staff who have helped through out the year.
Senka King