Library News

2025 Booklist information
Parents/Guardians are now able to purchase 2025 texts and stationery through the Campion Online Booklist.
All orders should be placed by Friday 20 December 2024. Late orders will incur additional fees.
By now, parents/carers should have received information regarding the School Saving Bonus direct to your email. To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, visit School Saving Bonus | ( A step-by-step user guide is available on the webpage to guide you through this process.
Please see attachment for a How-To guide on using the School Saving Bonus for Campion Booklist purchases. For translations into Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Dari, Hindi, Persian, Sinhala, Somali, Turkish, Tagalog, Urdu and Vietnamese follow this link and scroll to the bottom.
Please do not place your booklist order until your child has received confirmation of their 2025 subjects. This will take place at the beginning of Advance Week – 2 December.
To purchase your items:
- Follow this link to our booklists Doncaster SC
- OR go to the Campion Education website at
- Click ‘Order Here’ and create an account
- Select East Doncaster Secondary College from the drop down list in ‘VICTORIA’ Schools.
- Enter the Code QV8Y which will give you the list of resources by year levels.
- Select resources needed and follow the online purchasing prompts.
- Orders placed by Friday 20 December 2024 will be delivered before 24 January 2025.
Digital bundle & eBook instructions:
PLEASE NOTE: ALL eBooks must be purchased via Campion.
Year 7-9 Digital Bundle and Year 10 Maths
Select the Year 7-9 Digital Bundle or Year 10 eBooks to purchase from the Campion booklist.
- After selecting all your other resources, continue to payment and delivery information. Here you must select your student name from the list on Campion’s website.
- Campion will send an email with eBook access instructions. Students will use their school Compass login details. It is essential that the student’s ‘’ email is registered in order for eResources to be accessed. (Year 7 students may not have an 'eastdonsc' email at the time of ordering; in this case use a personal email. Year 7 digital bundles will be matched with the student email before the start of the school year.)
Accelerated VCE Subjects - Yr10 students undertaking Unit 1&2 & Yr11 students undertaking Units 3&4
All Senior School subjects are included in the one booklist ‘Senior School Year 10 & VCE 2025’. To order items for students undertaking accelerated VCE subjects, scroll down until you find the appropriate year level, and then subject. Add the items required to your order.
VCE Edrolo
The following VCE subjects require purchase of Edrolo resources:
- General Maths
- Biology
This purchase will be done directly through the Edrolo website from December 1. See attachment for instructions.
Booklist Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Campion?
Campion is a third party company that EDSC uses to administer our booklist and supply new books to students.
Do I have to buy everything on the list?
You need to buy everything listed for the subjects your student is enrolled in. However, general stationery items such as pens and rulers do not need to be purchased from Campion if you already own these items or can source them elsewhere.
Do I have to buy books through Campion, or can I buy second-hand books elsewhere?
You don’t have to buy your student’s books through Campion. However, there is a risk of buying incorrect editions of textbooks from other parties, as textbooks are revised regularly. If you’d like to buy second-hand books, we recommend buying them through the Sustainable School Shop. This company has been supplied with the EDSC booklist and can help ensure you buy the correct editions.
If you buy a second hand book, you should also check whether you need to purchase a digital code to access any extra online resources required.
Why am I charged an extra fee at the end of my order?
Campion charges a processing fee for all orders. Orders will also be charged a home delivery fee. However, you may be able to organise order pick-up from Campion by contacting Campion directly.
Do we have to bring all the books in on the first day of school?
No, you can stagger what you bring in to make it easier. You will get information about what is needed on day one.
All EDSC Library Books Are Now Due Back
The 2024 school year is almost over! Library staff have started work to prepare the EDSC Library for a fabulous 2025.
All students’ library books are now overdue. Please return them as soon as possible to allow library staff to commence our book stocktake.
Returning books as soon as possible will prevent families from being sent lost book charges on Compass.
Our library print books will be ready to borrow again at the start of 2025. Students can continue to borrow EDSC eBooks and audiobooks from the Sora app anytime throughout the summer holidays.
Kathryn Williams
Teacher Librarian