
"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision."

Muhammad Ali (World HeavyWeight Champion Boxer)

Athletics Carnival 

Important Information 


The Annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday 17th May at ES MARKS FIELDS Kensington ENTER via BARONIA AVE.


Students in Years 7-12 will make their own way to ES Marks and home.  


All students must arrive at ES Marks for 8.30 Roll Call. 


It is estimated that the carnival will finish between 1:30pm and 2:00pm with all supervision finishing at 2:30pm.


All student supervision will conclude at 2:30pm. Therefore, could all parents/carers please ensure that your daughter has made adequate arrangements for her return home at the conclusion of the carnival.  


Please note that the Athletics Carnival is a compulsory College event.  If your daughter is absent on the day of the carnival due to illness, please contact the school and inform them of her absence either by leaving your message on voicemail or contacting the office at 8:00am. When she returns to school, she must present a doctor’s certificate to her Pastoral Care Teacher. The carnival will be held regardless of the weather.


All students must come prepared with hats, sunscreen and drink bottles.  If it is wet weather you are advised to bring appropriate clothing. However, if the grounds are closed and we have to cancel the Carnival, emails will be sent to all families, so please make sure the school has your up-to-date email address. IF CANCELLED, A NOTIFICATION AND EMAIL WILL BE PLACED ON COMPASS



Canteen facilities: No canteen facilities are available on the day. 



Dress for the Carnival


The theme for the Athletics Carnival is: Heroes and Villains. Students are encouraged to dress in their House colours whilst captivating the chosen theme for this event. 


Students may also dress up in their House Colours for the carnival.  


All attire worn by the students must be appropriate clothing to travel in. NO PAINT IS TO BE USED AT ANY TIME AS DRESS  UP.  If you do not wish to dress up, you are to wear the correct PE uniform.


All students must be aware of sun safety and wear appropriate clothing to prevent sunburn as well as using sunscreen and wearing a hat.  Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.


Parents and family members are all welcome to attend on the day but a reminder that all students are expected to sit in the stands with their house.


We hope to see lots of participation from all girls and great team spirit.  Good luck to all teams and all competitors.



Maeve Hurley

Sports Coordinator