Cohort News

"I alone cannot change the world, 

but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

— Mother Teresa

Year 7 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents / Carers of Year 7,


I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter break over the school holidays. Term 2 is another exciting yet busy time here at Brigidine College with lots of learning, assessment tasks and College events planned. 


Pastoral Care

In this term's pastoral care program, there will be continued emphasis on organisation skills, focusing on time management and goal setting, alongside addressing crucial issues such as bullying, cyberbullying, and fostering positive relationships. The program aims to equip individuals with the necessary skills to navigate various aspects of their personal and social lives, promoting a culture of respect, inclusivity, and well-being within the community. Through education, intervention, and support, the pastoral care initiative strives to create a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can thrive and develop positive connections with others.


Accelerated Reader

Students in Years 7-9 are required to read a hard copy book for the first 10 minutes of period 1 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This excludes Thursdays, practical lessons and assessment tasks scheduled on the College Calendar. 


Winter Uniform

A reminder that students are now required to wear their winter uniform. It is important that students adhere to the College’s uniform policies as it is an essential part of maintaining a positive and disciplined learning environment. The wearing of the uniform to school helps to create a professional and respectful image of the school and fosters a sense of community and belonging among students.

  • SKIRT Tartan kilt – navy / green / white / yellow checks and stripes
  • SHIRT White shirt poly-cotton, straight-edged lapels, long-sleeved
  • BLAZER - Bottle green collarless wool blend fully lined
  • JUMPER/CARDIGAN - Navy blue wool blend with V-neck and school crest
  • HOSIERY - College white ankle academic socks with green band OR Navy blue tights
  • SHOES - Black leather, low heeled lace-up shoes
  • HAT - Formal academic hat
  • BAG - Bottle green backpack with school crest 

Thank you for your ongoing support. I look forward to working together with you throughout this term to help your daughter reach her full potential. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.



Kathy Phetrasi

Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 8 Pastoral Care


Hello Parents and Guardians of Year 8,


Welcome back to another term at Brigidine. I trust you all had a restful Easter break surrounded by the love of your family and friends. 


I want to thank each family for the way you have worked hard to ensure that your daughters have been ready for Term 2. It is pleasing to see our students ready to learn with their equipment and presented beautifully in their winter uniform. The first week certainly required our jumpers and blazers!!


As you would have seen in the email sent out to you late last term, we have a significant change to our sports program for Year 8 this term. We will be collaborating with Year 8 at Marcellin College and joining our sports programs together for the term. The rationale behind this initiative is to improve the connections between the two schools and improve socialising opportunities between our respective Year 8 cohorts. The opportunity to thrash Marcellin every week is also an appealing advantage! As indicated in the email from Ms Hurley, it does necessitate a slight change to our day on Thursday, namely that we will be dismissing the girls directly from the College and not from Paine Reserve. Please factor this into your planning for Thursday afternoons.


We are, naturally, excited by the initiative and look forward to seeing our girls build some team spirit and competitive energy with Marcellin. If you have any questions, please do reach out to the College.


From an academic perspective, I encourage you to check each week the Parent Preview to keep on top of upcoming events and assessments. Please also endeavour to regularly engage with your daughter’s diary to help keep them accountable with their classwork.


Pastorally, this week we’ll be starting work on looking at the concept of RESPECT, as part of our Brigidine BRAVE program. The girls will be participating in a workshop on Thursday afternoon in our Pastoral Period designed to get them thinking about what Respect means, looks like, sounds like and feels like.  I encourage you to discuss with your daughters, if you haven’t already done so, about what Respect looks like, sounds like and means in your home.


As always, I thank you for your partnership with me in supporting the well-being and academic growth of your daughters. Please reach out if you need anything.


With warm regards,


Tom Inatey

Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator.


Year 9 Pastoral Care

Dear Parents and carers of Year 9,


Wishing you a very warm welcome back to Term 2. I hope you and your families enjoyed a very restful and relaxing holiday break together. We have enjoyed welcoming your daughters back to school and are very excited for the Term that lies ahead.


Year 9 Theme: "Achieve"

Throughout this term, we are continuing to encourage our students to be working towards their Semester goals, in line woith our key theme for the year of “achieve”. The most recent Pastoral Care lesson centred around the reflection of how each student is tracking towards their goal and planning what steps they need to take to achieve them by the end of this term. Please ask your daughter about her goals and how she is tracking with them!


PC Lessons Focus: Organisation and Studying

As part of our commitment to supporting student success and a strategy to assist our students in working towards their goals, future Pastoral Care lessons will continue to center around crucial skills such as organisation and effective studying habits. We believe that fostering these skills lays a strong foundation for academic achievement and personal growth.


Winter Uniform Reminder:

With the arrival of cooler weather, we kindly remind parents and students about the importance of adhering to our winter uniform expectations. Please ensure that your daughter is dressed each day in accordance with our Winter uniform, including her blazer and her skirt hemmed at her knee. 

We have noticed an increase in students wearing multiple earrings and pieces of jewellery, I please ask for your assistance and support in ensuring that your daughter is leaving these items at home. 

Additionally, rain jackets are for use only when it is raining. Students should be utilising their woolen jumpers and blazers for everyday use in the cooler weather. The sport jacket is to be used for warmth with the sport uniform.


Public Transport Reminder:

We kindly request your assistance in re-iterating the message we are delivering to students at school. Recently we have been reminding our students of the following etiquette when using public transport:

  1. Lining Up for Buses: we ask that students form a single-file line while waiting for the bus, allowing other passengers to board efficiently. 
  2. Allowing Members of the General Public On First: students are to prioritise the boarding of members of the general public, especially elderly passengers, individuals with disabilities, pregnant women, and parents with young children. Please remind her to step aside and allow these individuals to board ahead of her, demonstrating empathy and kindness.
  3. Avoiding Bag Space Occupation: students are to keep their belongings close to them and refrain from occupying seats with their backpacks. By doing this, we ensure that seating is available for all passengers, especially during peak travel times.
  4. Standing Up for Those Needing Seats: students are to be mindful of fellow passengers who may require seating, such as the elderly, pregnant women, or individuals with disabilities. If your daughter notices someone in need, please remind her that she should be offering her seat, demonstrating respect and compassion.


These actions are small but immensely important to displaying kindness and respect to our community. These actions are not only a reflection of our College values, but of your daughter’s own personal values. Therefore, it is important that she is displaying kind and considerate bahviour for those around her on her travels to and from school.


Athletics Carnival

We are thrilled to announce that the much-anticipated Brigidine College Athletics Carnival is just around the corner!  This day will take place on the 17th of May at the ES Marks Athletics Field. We remind all students that the Athletics Carnival is a compulsory day on the school calendar. It's a fantastic opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the vibrant spirit of our College community, whether they're competing on the track or cheering from the sidelines.


The day will kick off with roll call at 8:30 am sharp. We encourage all students to arrive promptly to ensure that they don't miss out on any of the action-packed events scheduled throughout the day. 


The Athletics Carnival is not just about individual achievements; it's also a celebration of house spirit and unity. Encourage your daughter to wear her house colors with pride, cheer on her peers, and contribute to the electric atmosphere of camaraderie and sportsmanship.


Kind regards,


Rebecca Monohan

Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator



Year 10 Pastoral Care


Dear Year 10 Parents and Carers,

We hope that you're enjoying the journey alongside your Year 10 daughter as they navigate through this important stage of their education. We have some important updates and reminders to share with you:


Lateness Policy:

We understand that occasional lateness may occur due to unforeseen circumstances. However, to promote accountability and punctuality, we have implemented a lateness policy. If a student is late to school and this lateness is not explained, they will receive a late demerit. However, if the lateness is explained with a valid reason, no demerit will be generated. We appreciate your support in reinforcing the importance of punctuality with your daughter.


Preparation for Weeks 5-7 Assessment Period:

Weeks 5-7 are upcoming assessment heavy weeks for our Year 10 students. It is crucial for students to stay organised, manage their time effectively, and prioritise their studies during this period. Encourage your child to create a study schedule, seek help if needed, and approach assessments with a positive mindset and determination to succeed.


Minimum Testing Reminder:

This is a friendly reminder that the HSC Minimum Testing practice test needs to be completed by the end of this week. If your child encounters any difficulties downloading the required browser or accessing the test, please let us know as soon as possible so we can provide assistance and ensure they can complete the test on time.


Canberra Excursion Consent:

Just a quick reminder that consent for the upcoming Canberra Excursion is due by Friday, May 17th. We kindly ask parents to also complete the rooming nomination form as soon as possible. If your child will be on leave or away during this excursion, please notify us as soon as possible for planning purposes.


Winter Uniform Reminder:

As we transition into the cooler months, a gentle reminder that Term 2 will see a change to winter uniform. Winter uniform includes: 


The Sports Uniform may be worn to and from school when a student has a sports lesson during the day. If the Sports Uniform is worn to and from school, it is expected that the sports jacket will be worn to and from school during winter – Terms 2 & 3. 

Optional Extras

  • College Spray jacket (navy)
  • Gloves (navy)
  • Scarves (navy)
  • Navy Blue Cardigan with the College

We appreciate your support and cooperation in ensuring the success and well-being of our Year 10 students.


If you have any questions, concerns, or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Warm regards,


Nikki McWhirter

Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 11 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 11 Students,


Welcome back to Brigidine College Randwick for Term 2! It’s been wonderful to see the College bustling with energy once again as we embark on another term filled with learning, growth, and exciting opportunities. We hope you all had a restful break and are ready to dive back into your studies with enthusiasm and determination.


Winter Uniform Reminder


As the weather begins to cool down, it’s important to remember to wear the correct winter uniform. Please ensure that you are dressed appropriately and in accordance with the College guidelines. Not only does this contribute to our sense of unity and pride as a school community, but it also helps to maintain our professional standards. Let’s all make an effort to represent Brigidine College Randwick with pride and respect by adhering to the uniform policy.


Athletics Carnival: Friday 17th May


Get ready to show off your House Spirit at this year’s Athletics Carnival! Mark your calendars for Friday, 17th May, as we gather at E.S. Marks Field for a day filled with friendly competition, camaraderie, and fun. Whether you’re a sprinter, long jumper, or cheering from the sidelines, there’s something for everyone to enjoy at this highly anticipated event.


The Athletics Carnival is not just about winning medals, but about coming together as a community to celebrate our talents and achievements. So, dust off your running shoes, practice your high jump technique, and most importantly, bring your House Spirit! Whether you’re representing Aquina, Brigid, Regina Mundi, Winifred or Xavier, let’s all show our pride and support for our respective houses.


Stay Connected


Stay up-to-date with all the latest news and events happening at Brigidine College Randwick by following us on social media and checking your emails regularly. From important announcements to upcoming excursions and extracurricular activities, we’ll make sure you’re in the loop every step of the way.


Final Thoughts


As we embark on another term together, let’s approach each day with a positive mindset, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to excellence. Remember, your time at Brigidine College Randwick is what you make of it, so seize every opportunity, challenge yourself to grow, and most importantly, cherish the memories you make along the way.


Wishing you all the best for Term 2!




Tony Munguia

Year 11 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 12 Pastoral Care


Welcome back to Term 2 at Brigidine! As we embark on the start of Term 2, we find ourselves just over one term away from the culmination of the year for our Year 12 students. With the finish line in sight, it's time to recommit ourselves to our goals and aspirations, and make the most of the time we have left.

Gentle Reminders

A few gentle reminders to ensure a smooth sailing term ahead:

  • Full School Winter Uniform: As the weather cools down, it's time to transition into our full school winter uniform. Remember, blazers are to be worn to and from school to uphold our school's standards of pride and professionalism.
  • Attendance Matters: Prompt and regular attendance is crucial for academic success. If for any reason a student is unable to attend school or is running late, please ensure that absences and lateness are explained promptly on Compass. Clear communication helps us support our students effectively.

Important Upcoming Dates

Mark your calendars for these important upcoming events:

  • Week 3: Year 12 Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, 14th May 2024. This is an invaluable opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss student progress and strategies for success in the final stretch of the academic year.
  • Week 3: College Athletics Carnival at E.S. Marks Field on Friday, 17th May 2024. Let's show our Brigidine spirit and sportsmanship as we compete in a day of friendly rivalry and athletic prowess.
  • Week 5: HSC and Careers Expo on Thursday, 30th May 2024. Details for this event can be found on Compass. It's never too early for our students to start exploring their post-school options and charting their career pathways.
  • Week 8: Career Pathways Guest Speakers on Thursday, 20th June 2024. Our students will have the opportunity to gain insights and inspiration from industry professionals as they consider their future pathways beyond Brigidine.

As we navigate through Term 2, let us continue to support and encourage one another on our educational journey. Together, we can overcome any challenges that come our way and celebrate our successes as a united Brigidine community.



Jon Campbell

Year 12 Pastoral Care Coordinator