Pastoral Care

"We have to nourish in order to flourish" 

—  anon.

Term 2 



As we return from the two week holidays, refreshed and ready for term 2, it is important that students are taking time to organise themselves. They should be using their term planner to note important dates including their assessment tasks and school events. Students should also print notifications and have them in a prominent / visual area of their study space. They should also have a weekly study planner and prioritise tasks each day. All of these regular routines assist students in being organised, prepared and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. Resources can be found on your daughter’s Pastoral Care Canvas page and students will be doing more work on this in Pastoral Care time this week. We also highlight the importance of regular diary use at school and home, and we ask that you could check your daughter’s diary each day. 


The Kidman Centre UTS


Year 12 had the opportunity to engage in a HSC study skills program to support stress. In this seminar, they learnt how to focus on the positives, cognitive strategies to apply when feeling stressed and managing their workload and anxiety in the lead up to busy periods. Students worked through a booklet with helpful resources, and I encourage you to chat to your daughter about what she learnt from this program. 


I am also sharing some resources from The Kidman Centre UTS, which provides free workshops to students and parents on topics relevant to our young people. This year they are offering talks over Zoom, with the next two topics on:


  • Teen Emotion Regulation [7th May 6pm]
  • Screen Smart parenting [24th June 6pm]

To register please fill out the following form: - I understand spots are limited. 


Managing wellbeing 


We will be working through different ways to support mental health this term in Pastoral Care. If students are having a challenging time, we encourage them to speak to a trusted adult - at home, a teacher or co-ordinator at school and there are also some great organisations in our community. 


Below are some numbers/hotlines that might be useful: 



Please also see the following links on supporting different mental health concerns, via Mental Health First Aid Guidelines - Mental Health First Aid International ( in addition to How to have a conversation about maintaining positive mental health - Mental Health First Aid Australia (


Please keep open dialogue with your daughters about the positive things each day, reflect on their gratitude and let her Pastoral Care Teacher, Coordinator or myself know if you have any concerns, 


Sarah Charles 

Director of Pastoral Care