Faith, Mission 

& Identity

"Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received"

— 1 Peter 4:10

                                                             2024 College Liturgical Theme

2024 Religious Attitudes & Practices Survey (Years 7, 9 & 11)

Since 2014, students from schools across the Archdiocese of Sydney, in Years 5, 7, 9 & 11, have been actively involved in the biannual Survey of Religious Attitudes and Practices. Across the past week, students in Years 7, 9 & 11 at college students have completed the anonymous survey. 


With an impressive participation of approximately 18,000 students, this survey has emerged as a crucial tool in enhancing our understanding of our young ones' beliefs, spirituality, and engagement with matters of faith. It offers invaluable insights into our children's perspectives on religion and spirituality, helping us better support them in their spiritual journey. 


The anonymous data gleaned from these surveys plays a pivotal role in shaping the approach to youth ministry within Sydney Catholic Schools. By harnessing this information, we can tailor our efforts to meet the needs of our youth effectively and actively involve them in the vibrant life of the Church.

College Fortnightly Mass

Our fortnightly mass schedule for Term 2 is as follows:

  • Friday 31 May 
  • Friday 28 June 
  • Friday 26 June

Mass begins at 8:00am and all parents and students are welcome to join us in St Anne’s (onsite at Brigidine College). Please be seated by 7:55am for an 8:00am start. 

Mother’s Day Mass

In celebration of Mother’s Day this Sunday, our College hosted a heartwarming celebration with a beautiful Mass celebrated by our Parish Priest, Fr Pat Mara and a breakfast where we came together in gratitude for the nurturing presence of mothers in our lives. 


The Mass and Breakfast served as a celebration and a reminder of the importance of recognising and honouring a mother's love. It was an opportunity to express our gratitude and acknowledge mothers' immeasurable impact on our lives. Thank you to the mothers who joined us on this special day. 


College Winter Appeal

In the coming weeks, our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Ms Atlamaz, will launch the Vinnies Winter Appeal alongside our Year 12 Leadership Team. The annual Winter Appeal is one way the College supports the vulnerable in our immediate community. 


Keep an eye out in our next Newsletter and on Compass and Social Media for more information!


Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religious Education & Mission