Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island News

TAFE and Student Based Apprenticeship Training


We have Lillie Loveridge of Year 11 starting her School Based Apprenticeship at one of our Primary schools in Malabar. She will also be studying Education Support at Southern Cross Vocational College at Burwood.Lillie is very excited to begin on this new journey of her senior studies towards completing her HSC.


For Year 10 students please come and see me if you are interested in the Youth Engagement Strategy Program at TAFE for Term 2. This program aims to provide local High School students aged 15-17yrs with a taste of the basic skills and knowledge required for their chosen industry area.


Program News - Nyumbar Education


On Friday 16 February we had Nyumbar Education come out to school to teach our Aboriginal students a Welcome Cleansing Dance, a Lorikeet Dance, Animal Dance  and Farewell Dance. The students had a great day of showing dance and leadership skills. We will perform these dances at our NAIDOC Assembly on Tuesday 23 July 2024. Looking forward to seeing the girls all dance together. I’d like to thank Des Marsh, Isaac Bamblett and Tyrrell Corby who taught the students these dances. I’d also like to thank the students for their participation.

Images: Nyumbar Education Dance and Leadership Workshop.
Images: Nyumbar Education Dance and Leadership Workshop.



On Tuesday 27 February Nyumbar Education were back to present more workshops. Today's Year 9/10 elective participated in an art workshop. Nyumbar presented some artifacts, artwork, weaving samples, and the girls also contributed to an artwork which will be given to the school. 


Images: Nyumbar Education Workshop.
Images: Nyumbar Education Workshop.



Strengthen Our Mob Program 


On Wednesday 28 February our Strengthening Our Mob program returned to start the term. We decorated our own jewellery box, we played some ice breaker games and we wrote on a canvas our names and an adjective starting with the first letter of our names. The girls had a great time gathering as a mob.


Images: Jewellery Box Decoration Activity.
Images: Jewellery Box Decoration Activity.



On Wednesday 27 March Strengthening Our Mob did a workshop with Year 7-11 on making good choices and consequences of not making good choices. We then continued with our canvases.


Images: Canvas Activity.
Images: Canvas Activity.



Sport Achievements:


Over the last couple of months, we have had lots of our Aboriginal students compete in representative sports.


Tarni Doyle Year 12 went to Melbourne and participated in Surf Life Saving Rowing. Tani’s crew made it to the semi-finals. Her crew is 12th in Australia. Tarni will now go to Aussie Titles in April to compete again. Well done and good luck for your next competition.



Image: Tarni Doyle Surf Life Saving Rowing.
Image: Tarni Doyle Surf Life Saving Rowing.




On the weekend of the 16th-18th Febuary, Tess Doyle Year 9 competed in the Representative Touch Team for The Roosters, her team made it to the quarter finals. Well done Tess.


Image: Tess Doyle.
Image: Tess Doyle.



Over the weekend 23-25 February, Kasey Russell Year 8, Zara Dilger Year 9  and Kiara Marr Year 10 competed in the State Cup Oztag. Kasey represented Sydney City, Zara and Kiara represented South Sydney. The girls played a number of games over a three day carnival. Zara and Kiara made it to the semi-finals. Well done girls.


Images: State Cup Oztag.
Images: State Cup Oztag.



Friday 23 February the school had their swimming carnival. I would like to congratulate Isabella Gibbons Year 7, Tess Doyle Year 9 and Tarni Doyle Year 12 on being age champions. Also a huge congratulations to Tess Doyle Year 9 who took out overall champion. Well done girls.


Image: Swimming Carnival.
Image: Swimming Carnival.

Image: Swimming Carnival.



On Sunday Kasey and Tess represented Randwick Netball in a carnival in Charlestown. 

Images: Randwick Netball Carnival.
Images: Randwick Netball Carnival.




On Sunday 17 March, Kasey Russell played in Beach Rugby League. They won 1, lost 1 and drew 1. Kasey said “it was hard running on the sand”.

Image: Kasey Russell - Beach Rugby League
Image: Kasey Russell - Beach Rugby League



Isabella Gibbons swam at the NSW Junior State Championships on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March. She has qualified for 9 individual events and 3 relay teams Isabella had a great racing weekend. Please see her results below:


5th in state for 200m Breaststroke 

8th in state for 200m Freestyle 

9th in state for 100m Breaststroke 

10th in state for 50m Breaststroke 

11th in state for 200m Individual Medley 

15th in state for 100m Freestyle  


And Isabella’s 10 by 50m relay came 4th in the state - Congratulations Isabella Gibbon.


Image: Isabella Gibbon.
Image: Isabella Gibbon.



Tarni Doyle in the holidays went to Perth for the Aussie Titles in Surf Life Saving, Tarni’s rowing group came 10th overall. Congratulations Tarni Doyle. 

Image: Greg Smart Photography - Aussie Titles.
Image: Greg Smart Photography - Aussie Titles.



Kari Foundation Pathways to University Expo


On Tuesday 19 March Year 9 and 10 attended the Kari Foundation Pathways to University Expo at Liverpool Catholic Club. The students heard from many universities UTS (Jumbanna Program), Western Sydney University, Macquarie University (Walanga Muru), SYD University (Gadigal Program), UNSW (Nura Gili Program), Wollongong University (Woolyungah Program) and Australian Catholic University. Each University spoke about their Aboriginal Program entry to University. Today the girls learnt some very useful information.


Images: Kari Foundation - Pathways to University Expo.
Images: Kari Foundation - Pathways to University Expo.


Harmony Day Aboriginal Dance Workshop


On Friday 22nd March the whole school participated in an Aboriginal Dance Workshop to celebrate Harmony Week.


Australia is a wonderful country to live in because of its cultural variety. Harmony Day honours the diversity of different cultures. This year we celebrated Aboriginal culture by providing the students with an Aboriginal Dance workshop.


The dance program that the students participated in was called Ngahri. Dance was and still is an important component of Aboriginal culture. Dance is one way that the Aboriginal people can share Dreaming Stories, celebrate different stages of life, share stories about Country and landscape. Dance assists in storytelling. Dance teaches us about animals, plants and when it is the right time to hunt and gather.


The students learnt a cleansing dance to begin which is a Bundjalung dance. This dance is about cleansing the area before dance and ceremony. With the gum leaves we are cleansing the earth, Mother Earth, getting rid of negative energy and spirits. Our hands up we are acknowledging Father Sky. Letting Mother Earth and Father Sky know we are here ready for dance.


Lorikeet Dance: This dance is about a baby lorikeet taking its first attempt at flying. The parents encouraged the baby lorikeet to continue to try but also warned it of the dangers. This dance is about resilience and getting back up and trying again.


Yaburu Bula: This dance is a play dance to teach the children how to count from 1-5.


Yanu Munyana: Farewell dance to say farewell to country and to wish everyone a safe journey home.



The students had a wonderful day and at the end of the day Years 7, 11, 8, 9 came together to perform the Farewell Dance.


Images: Aboriginal Dance Workshop.
Images: Aboriginal Dance Workshop.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, 




Natalie Harkins

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Coordinator