

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all."

— Dale Carnegie

Dear Brigidine College Community,


As we bask in the glow of Mother's Day, we extend a warm and heartfelt tribute to all the incredible mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures within our Brigidine family. Today, we celebrate the profound love, unwavering strength, and boundless compassion that mothers embody each day.  On this special day, let us take a moment to reflect on the immeasurable impact of maternal love. To all the mothers who have nurtured, inspired, and guided us, we honour you. Your love is a gift beyond measure, and today, we celebrate you with gratitude and admiration.  Happy Mother's Day to all the remarkable mothers in our Brigidine family!


Welcome back to another vibrant week at Brigidine College Randwick! As we delve into the rhythm of Week 3, I want to express my genuine gratitude for your steadfast support and active involvement in our school community.


A hearty welcome to all our new Brigidine families joining us this term! Whether you're seasoned members or fresh faces, please know that our doors are always open. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Our community thrives on connections, and your presence enriches our shared journey.


We're excited to welcome back Monica Atlamaz, our Youth Ministry Coordinator, after her maternity leave! And a warm welcome to Rachel Raskopoulos, our newest member of the English department. Rachel's arrival brings fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to our academic team, and we're eager to see the positive impact she'll have on our students' learning experiences. Welcome back, Monica, and welcome aboard, Rachel!


On a personal note, I'm thrilled to share my return from visiting family in the United States, where I had the joy of meeting my first grandchild, Charlotte Mae. Your kind messages of congratulations truly touched my heart, and I'm excited to share this special moment with you all. Family lies at the heart of everything we do, and I'm grateful for the chance to celebrate this milestone with our extended Brigidine family.


College Announcements

ANZAC Commemoration: Reflecting on recent weeks, our College united in commemoration of ANZAC Day. A heartfelt thank you to Mr. David Martin (Head of HSIE) and all involved in organising a moving tribute, bringing our community together to honour the sacrifices of our military personnel. The laying of wreaths, representing various facets of our community, served as a poignant reminder of the importance of remembrance and unity.


Mother's Day Celebration: Last Friday, we celebrated the essence of motherhood with a touching Mother's Day Mass and Breakfast. It was heartwarming to witness the outpouring of love and appreciation for the mothers and grandmothers in our community. Special thanks to Jamie Lee Wood (Director of Religious Education & Mission) for orchestrating a moving Mother's Day Mass, and to Jacqui Hanniffy (Head of Music) and Jennifer Lau for their beautiful music that enriched the occasion.


Debating Season: Our debating teams showcased their skills against OLSH Kensington, engaging in discussions on pressing global issues. I commend our students for their dedication and eloquence, embodying the values of scholarship and advocacy.


Year 12 Parent-Teacher Conferences: Attention Year 12 parents! Our upcoming conferences on Tuesday, May 14th, offer a chance to discuss your daughter's academic journey and well-being. Please note the early dismissal at 1:30pm for Year 12 students only on this day.


Athletics Carnival: Mark your calendars for the Athletics Carnival on Friday, May 17th, at ES Marks Field. This event promises spirited competition and camaraderie as our students showcase their athletic abilities. All students are encouraged to get ready to unleash their inner hero or embrace their mischievous side as we dive into this year's carnival theme: Heroes and Villains!  


Year 12 Luncheon with the Principal: We are excited to launch Year 12 Lunch with the Principal, providing a platform for seniors to share their experiences and aspirations.


Student Leadership Commissioning Mass: Join us this Thursday, May 16th, to celebrate our student leaders' dedication at the Student Leadership Commissioning Mass at OLSH Church in Randwick at 5:30pm.


Parent Engagement & Advisory Committee Meeting: Our Parent Engagement & Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15th at 6:00pm. We invite a parent representative from Year 7 to join this esteemed body.


College Uniform Reminder: Lastly, a gentle reminder regarding our College Uniform policy. Let's ensure our students adhere to the guidelines, reflecting our shared values and identity.


Thank you for your continued support as we journey together in the spirit of excellence and community at Brigidine College Randwick.


Warm regards,

Sharyn Quirk
